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Опубликовано на Авг 11 2011

Lacey Luv has the look of a groupie and the brain to match. I could snort myself into a coma and I'd still be more aware of reality than this brain dead waste of space. She did have a great body which condemns her to a future of craigslist hooking and banging busboys in hopes of getting leftovers at Denny's. Lacey Luv bothered me during my special "me time" with my nose candy.She looked at me the same way my 3rd grade teacher looked when I told her the following:"Math will only be needed in my future to count the money I make off of porn whores after they drink my jizz." Lacey was told that a paycheck would be in her future as well if she swallowed my pecker like a double-decker. She did a below average blowjob and I was able to pop by thinking of "Mrs. C" bent over a sink,peeling me potatoes as I fucked her hard. I still got it bad for teacher.

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Lacey Luv

Lacey Luv

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