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Опубликовано на Июл 21 2011

Milan's shallow black man has broken up with her for the financial security that comes with fucking white girls. Milan Sterling may have an ass for days but his new white woman has a condo in Beverly Hills and that trumps everything else. Milan has given everything of herself to him and now she's going to give him a dose of his own medicine. While he was getting the latest shoes (what's with black men and shoes?) Milan was putting on an outfit which made the south rise again. I've seen more cotton on the top of an aspirin bottle but that didn't matter since she was soon dining in a cracker buffet courtesy of me and the crew. Milan Sterling is now a Certified Dixie Whore and has given up black men forever. To tell you the truth she's doing better than ever and is now a Republican.

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Milan Sterling

Milan Sterling

access_time 02 min 50% thumb_up
Milan Sterling

Milan Sterling

access_time 02 min 67% thumb_up
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