Queen delilah - its time to take this relationship to the next level HD

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Опубликовано на Фев 14 2020

Bossy Delilah is all dolled up and she's dropped by your place, for what you're thought is going to be one long Nox of fun and fuck. Turns out she's only stopping by to devote you the news. She's checked you out on the appointment you've had with her and decided that your little penis in not nearly enough to satisfy her Ass. Nope,"but I've got one other option for you ”, she tells you -"that's to become my full shtup toilette ”."I take shits that are longer than your penis. The only way that you're going cum when I'm around, is to eat my shite ”. Stripping off her fuddled jumper and sitting down and lighting up, you know what's coming next. To her Book, Bossy's bullshit is piled high. In fact, there's so a good deal shit in her voltaic pile that if you lined up all the while end to end, it'd stretchability from the market place where she buys her food, to her toilet can where she serves her mud monsters. As it turns out, Delilah has a heart. You're tied up and in chastity and you're desperate to cum, but Bossy is thoughtful. She takes the key to your chastity device and shoves it into her raft of shit, deep into her mess of tinker's damn .

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  • aniki123 2 лет
    she wouldn't have to force me! i would gladly eat every bit of her hot sweet nasty shit! i luv shit!

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