Wintertime War : Legend Of The Snow Fox .

23 August, 1939 ( headline )

In a move that has shocked the political macrocosm at large ; the administration of Deutschland and the unification of Soviet Socialist commonwealth have concluded and signed a accord of reciprocal non-aggression. The let go of statements of many world leaders has ranged across the spectrum, from 1 of rejoicing that the prospects of another great war in Europe has been avoided, to others who unofficially are seeking to a greater extent information or are involved in a serial publication of ‘ acute discussions'with allied governments.

1 September, 1939 ( headline )

noblewoman and gentleman's gentleman today it is my sad duty to foretell that war has returned to the continent of European Community as on this day the build up forces of Germany have invaded western Poland. Heavy fighting is reported by all side of meat, with Germany announcing ‘ deep, massive and span insight'by its armed military group. Allegedly the cultivation army is already collapsing ; surrendering in ever growing numbers and the regime has fled the country for mental home in Romania. Unofficial explanation from radio operators in Republic of Poland speak of continued resistance that is ‘ stout, substantial and ascertain'in the fount of the unprovoked aggression of Germany.

Many world loss leader have strongly denounced this aggression on the contribution of the government of FRG, with France, Britain and the United States of America demanding that the U. S. Army of FRG finish all antagonism at once. This is to be followed by withdrawal to the pilot border, while an international mediation via the conference of Nations occurs to settle the matter of enmity between the various governments.

No commentary has been relayed from the German government.

3 September, 1939 ( headline )

On this day the crisis in European Community has grown exponentially, with the governments of France and Britain officially declaring war upon the regime of Germany for the invasion of Poland. impinging within the several military and government section tell that armed intervention in Poland, and the direct territorial invasion of Germany ‘ shall take place within a mitt count of days, or at to the highest degree, before the next two workweek are over.'

The combat continues on, with the government of Germany reporting more and more territory gained with each passing hour, while down sources report the master thrust of the German Blitzkrieg has been blunted, but that the Carry Amelia Moore Nation casualties have been high. The announcement of the declaration of war by France and Britain has brought renewed promise for the beleaguer state.

17 September, 1939 ( newspaper headline )

In a relocation of blatant opportunism and aggression the armies of the Union of Soviet Socialist commonwealth have invaded easterly Polska. The example of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics declared that the move is to ensure that law and society and stability are maintained in the face of the nail collapse of the Polish authorities. Within hours the move had been condemned by most members of the conference of Nations…

5 October, 1939 ( headline )

Poland has officially ceased to subsist according to the administration of Federal Republic of Germany and the USSR. The little state of Latvia, Lietuva and Republic of Estonia have been annexed by the USSR after being coerced into signing one sided ‘ mutual defense pacts'with the central communist government of Russia….

Unconfirmed reports mention that officials from Finland have been invited to Moscow for ‘ treatment of a most specific nature concerning the mutual defensive measure of both countries.'One former high-ranking military officer explained that usually means ‘ capital of the Russian Federation makes the threats and Finland will make concessions, or there shall be war in the end…'


oceanic abyss in the halls of STAVKA, Supreme main office for the fortify forces of the USSR, the assembled drawing card stand at attention as the lone man walked calmly in the door and silently proceeded to the header of the prospicient, map-covered table.

His every footstep echoed like thunder across the room, and heightened the slurred latent hostility that was further magnified by his aura of power, dominance, ruthlessness and determination. He reveled in the concern that radiated from all of those acquaint, for all knew with a simple-minded motion, a nod, or one spoken word, he could make or go bad any or all of their careers, broadcast them to the gulag for life, or have them summarily executed.

Taking his seat he motioned for all to sit and began to excuse the matters at helping hand."comrade, the conquest of Poland and the annexation of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are nearing closing. The ancient soil of our swell Rodinia are nearly concluded, with one vexing exception. Despite our most generous go to them, the lackeys of the Imperialist West, especially those of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, who ‘ govern'in Finland, have slapped aside the hand of communist generosity."

"associate, as of now I am instructing all of you to enact the plans we have prepared for such an contingency,"the man stated, hammering away on the table with his clenched fist as his heart, cold and grey-haired, blazed with wildness and rage at the government activity who has defied him since he was forced to bless the 1921 Treaty of Tartu forced upon the peaceful mass of the Soviet Union by the decrepit and Imperialist-led league of Nations.

"Comrades, explain to me again every detail of the programme as they exist at this time, do not leave out one particular,"he declared as he motioned for the NKVD safeguard, members of the feared land Security setup, to watch for the outset hint of defeatism, hesitancy or anything that may be construed as betrayal. For those so surmise the results would be publically declared ‘ a quiet and well earned retirement'…

Something that all at the table, especially the man who inspired such awe and terror in all about him, knew to mean ‘ death by firing squad.'

For that lone man, Premier Joseph Stalin, he wanted it no other way. He and he alone ruled in the USSR, and he held the fate of all in his hands alone.

For nearly 20 days he had fumed over the humiliation Republic of Finland and her Imperialist backers had inflicted upon him in 1921. So now he will have his retaliation and have the proper body politic of the Old Russian Tsar's restored to the mother country, under proper communist guidance of course.

He listened as the details were explained over several hours, with only one small plus proposed to ensure there will be no doubt as to ‘ Finnish aggression'being the cause of the coming invasion."Make it so,"said Stalin.

31 October, 1939 ( Headlines )

Today before the assemblage of the Supreme Soviet, Foreign minister Molotov, for the first time in world announced the terminus ‘ requested'of the politics of Finland to ‘ see the defenses of the peaceful people of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.'

The ‘ requests,'a genteel term for what nearly people in the democratic nation of the world will visit ‘ requirement at the point of a gun'were for land to be leased for thirty eld, or transferred directly into the custody of the USSR while the governance of Finland would take in in regaining acres that is barren and worthless. High German Chancellor Adolph Hitler has called upon the people of Finland and their leaders to accept the terms peacefully while time remains for them to do so…

Needless to say, the subject matter of ‘ while sentence remains for them to do so…'has dramatically increased stress in a continent already at war between the Allies and the Axis big businessman.


Stephen half-listened to the tidings coming from the daily radio broadcasts that detailed the current build up of tension between Finland and Russian Federation. Day by day the negotiation had been summarized in the distinctive way of Stalin and his cohorts…

"Agree to our terms with no compromise or face the fist of steel from our armies."That is the message they have sent before, when Finland finally won its independence at the end of the Great War.

computer storage of that fierce meter played across his thinker as he examined the masterly-crafted rifle that he held ; its perfect design and balance, custom-made as a birthday present tense to one especial to him, will make her one of the greatest of hunters ever to stalk game in the woods. The new background mounted to it was commissioned by a protagonist of his, whose designs were a generation or more ahead of their time.

Stephen twirled and tossed the rifle ; rapidly worked the bolt-action to gain the final flavour of how smooth it will bring when clip was of the effect - as he learned recently with a bear that almost had him for dinner. No defect could be found, no blemish, no mistake in his greatest creation of all the firearm he has handcrafted in his life as an armorer, soldier, hunter and…dealer in commodity and poppycock undecomposed left wing unexplained and preferably never found by agents of the law.

He and his friend had prepared to the sound they could…let the Russians come, the hornets nest waits…

Pleased with the rifle he slid it into its white-fur-lined scabbard and twice checked the harness for any flaw. Again he found none, his friends having done their work to absolute perfection.

"She will love this rifle,"Stephen said as he mulled over the coming result,"her birthday is on the 30th of November. I will be there and show her how to run with her new rifle ; she will hunt down as never before until all know her name."

All too soon Stephen would follow to understand the prophetical tonicity of his speech. For that rifle will be wielded by one to become a legend…

24 Nov, 1939 ( Headlines )

tautness continue to build up between the government of Finland and the USSR as two counter proposal of marriage were made to line up an honorable solution to the demands of Moscow. Both proposals were summarily rejected as being completely unacceptable on the assumption they would will the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics completely vulnerable in the region of Leningrad.

All diplomatical ties between Republic of Finland and the USSR have been severed by the departure of the Suomi party after being ordered home to Finnish capital for ‘ consultations.'

26 November, 1939 ( Headlines )

Unconfirmed reports coming from the party news inspection and repair of the USSR have declared a ‘ surprisal and dastardly attempt on Russian dominion has occurred by unit of measurement of the fascist government of Finland upon didactics by their passe-partout, the Imperialist Industrialists of the West.'

Foreign government minister Molotov has condemned this ‘ butchery of Russian younker and destruction of much Russian story in the border village of Mainila…


"My fellow comrades,"declared the legendary ‘ man of steel,'chancellor Stalin to the Soviet heights Command who stood at aid before the board where he sat."negotiation have fallen through with the fascist administration of Finland, and now we have this wanton assault upon our fatherland. As per plans already prepared for such an occurrence, the club are henceforth given to you and your troops…just before morning on 30 November the great army of the unification of Soviet Socialist Republics shall invade Finland and loose her oppressed masses who cry for freedom under a proper communist government."

His anger flared hot in his eyes and iron-cold in his wrangle as he slammed his hand on the hard table,"I will be very clear in this matter. Failure will not be tolerated ; the slightest signal of incompetence, fearful military action and treachery against the political party or the country will mean summary execution by the NKVD. All orders and program made will be approved by them before any are carried out. Remember, they answer to me alone…"

Needless to say everyone got the message.

Stalin grinned and reveled in the absolute fear the men around him displayed. HE was in ascendance, the master of all in Soviet Russia to do with as he pleased.

Soon enough the ignominy inflicted upon him by Suomi so long ago will be avenged, a dark spot on his vehement reputation. Everyone represent knew that the words he spoke of failed dialogue were mere window dressing, for the might of four Russian Army Corps was in place at key crossing points along the Republic of Finland - Russian border.

Invasion had been inevitable for some time, and the Fin's would pay for their stubbornness in fervor and blood.

30 Nov 1939 rear-area of Russian ninth United States Army Corp

Major-General Yuri Bogdan watched the border region from the wooded ridgeline just shy of the Finnish-Russian border. The modest village, little more than than a village not even worthy of a mug on any prescribed map, showed at the terminal point of his binoculars, just one more minor obstacle for the yard liberation of Finland that will be erased in a few more minutes.

He turned to the regimental commandant who surrounded him, each standing tall and proud, as he gave them his last pedagogy in the big crusade that is to commence. Each ordination was repeated back in precise detail to him and to the division's chief political commissar, Major-General Vitaly of the NKVD ( State Security ). All of the ship's officer knew that one trip-up, one failure, one infraction, or the appearance of any of the aforementioned, can go footing for summary execution by the NKVD.

Anyone doubting that only had to peek at the freshly turned earth that marked thirty grave of dude officers who were shot an hour ago for ‘ inappropriate lack of fighting spirit for the grounds of the state.'

"brother,"Major-General Bogdan spoke to the conglomerate military officer,"our partitioning has been granted the honor of spearheading the crusade in the discharge of our communist brethren from the fascists who currently rule Suomi. As you know, to a lesser extent than 72 hours ago, our supreme ground was violated in a border clash designed to provoke the humans's sympathy for the bandit leaders of Suomi and thus turn them against our honorable loss leader associate Stalin."

He watched Major-General Vitaly casually stroll back and Forth River around the military officer, as one would expect of a rancher or granger inspecting his appreciate ingathering of cows and hint before sending them to food market. He went on with his speech,"brother, each of us will fulfil our parts to beau ideal, and we will wield wireless silence as per army military headquarters social club until instructed otherwise. Use the motorbike couriers you have well and with due application, no chance to smash the enemy must be wasted."

He hammered his clinched fist into his gloved hand,"Speed, stupor and grim press, this is how we shall split this plane section of the figurehead line wide open and advance ever onward. All captive taken are to be sent to our comrades of State Security unless directed, as per orders signed by prime minister Comrade Stalin, otherwise by each regiments commissar or by rescript of Major-General commissar Vitaly."

He pointed to the recently filled graves to one slope of the gathered officers,"Understand, there is to be no retirement or surrender,"his voice deepened as his craze mounted,"those who do so are shamefaced of treachery and shall be dealt with swiftly as these betrayer to the state have been grapple with."

"Now return to your regiments and get ready to cross the mete as per programme,"he watched the police officer salute and flee for their staff vehicles like a panicked gathering of rabbits in the sight of a stria of hawk on the hunt.


Sir Leslie Stephen had just crested the belittled hill summit meeting when he heard the number 1 thundering of artillery unit unleashed from across the border. He watched in repulsion as blast after crushing blast of cannon racing shell and rockets landed around the hamlet of summer Mist, where his granddaughter Nikkei's birthday party is taking place, a day of joy and happiness as his homeland neared war that no one wanted to have happen.

Sadly, as the swarm of smoke and churned dry land merged with the battle cry and screams of his mob and friends, he knew the war no one wanted had begun. He shouldered the cloth-wrapped present he had spent so many months crafting for Nikkei's birthday, and felt the tears flow down his cheeks as he watched his world taken from him for the second time in his aliveness by warfare.


Her earth spun in a haze of pain and vertigo as she struggled to afford her middle. The patrician greaves of a fervidness flooded her ears and the motley of cooking meat, burning wood and other odors assaulted her sentience of smell with overwhelming effect. She struggled to get up, slowly lifting herself onto her elbows and then falling back to the ground still enshrouded by the thick blanket someone had put over her while she was unconscious.

A figure leaned down next to her and handed her a cup of stale water that she guzzled down, all but choking upon its cool down descent into her parched mouth and throat.

"Easy Nikkei, easy there take your time,"Stephen said as he helped her sit up. He checked the large bruise she had on her forehead and chuckled as she swatted at him when he touched one sore spot after another."You will be finely Nikkei ; at the least I still have my granddaughter with me."

"grandpa what happened,"Nikkei asked, not comprehending his last words he had said to her,"Where are all the others, mama and papa and my brothers…"She stopped upon seeing the manifestation that showed upon his aspect, understanding at hold out what had happened to everyone else.

"No grandad, no not that, please not that,"she said, collapsing into his weaponry as he drew her end. She broke down completely, the sobs coming hard and fast for the loss of her entire family."Why grandpa, why did this throw to happen ?"

"I don't know Nikkei, I honestly don't know,"Sir Leslie Stephen said as he rocked her back and forth.

Actually he did know, having followed the intense negotiations between the Finnish-Soviet governments. Each day the USSR had become more and more demanding in the concessions it sought, making it clear with none-too-subtle scourge and motion that war would be the result save for consummate and categorical surrender of all territorial need made…a chain of demands that Stephen knew could not be accepted by Finland.

Yet he, like most in the hamlet, had hoped for common sentience and peace to come up about. So it was that Nikkei's 18th natal day offered a time to celebrate and for the residential area to forget about the outside world for a forgetful time…then the bombardment arrived, slaughtering nearly everyone and destroying every construction in the area.

Only Nikkei survived due to her having been flung like a ragdoll into an irrigation ditch. Stephen had found her half glacial and brought her to one of the small cabins in the wooded pitcher's mound he called home, hoping to envision out how to get her to prophylactic when she could travel again.

Nikkei pointed to the spring bundle next to Sir Leslie Stephen and asked,"Grandpa, what is that you have there ?"

He looked into her pain-filled oculus, glad for something to distract her even for a short metre from the crushing deprivation of all that she had known."This is my natal day endowment for you Nikkei, just as I promised to work terminal class, one all of your own."

Nikkei watched as Stephen untied the bundle and removed a despoil scabbard from beneath the canvas. He turned and presented it to her as if she were a queen of some leave demesne worthy of a rare and precious gift from her people.

She took the rifle scabbard in her manus and laid it across her lap, stroking the easygoing leather covered in white fur. The rifles fund, made of finely lacquered wood carved in detailed images of her hunting in the thick woods spoke of Sir Leslie Stephen's skill as a master copy gun maker and armorer.

Gently Nikkei pulled it free of the scabbard and examined it for some meter, feeling the accurate equilibrium and form that already felt a born university extension of her. The telescopic sight glistened in the voiced firelight, and she spotted the touch of an old friend of her grandpa, a man who made masterwork optics superior to even the finest made in Germany.

Two wonderful gem for her birthday ; such a prize of riches she felt worthless of possessing let lonely being able to contain in her hands.

"Grandpa I can't admit this, it's more suitable in your hands…"she shushed as Sir Leslie Stephen shook his head.

"You saved me from that bear last year Nikkei,"he said with a smile. He had made one error on the hunt he had taken her on, one moment of sloppiness in which the bear reared up and threatened his life. Nikkei proved the quicker though, as she placed three biff into the bears meat and mind and thus mortally wounded the brute. It still fought on for some time before it succumbed, but in return for saving him, Stephen promised Nikkei he would craft a rifle worthy of her phenomenal skills.

"I wish mama and pa could possess seen this, along with everyone else…'she began to sob again as the Sojourner Truth slammed home hard in her heart. Her fellowship is gone forever, as are her acquaintance, all save for Sir Leslie Stephen. Something deep in her person snapped, flooding her with a fiery resolve that consumed her in an instant. The wildcat who had done this to them will be made to pay, and in blood.

"grandfather, where are the devil who did this, where are they ?"she demanded, her interpreter filled with anger and rage none could have dreamed existed. None save for Stephen who had long recognized the like traits in her that he had, and infer zilch will make her back from having her revenge on the Russians, no issue if in the end it cost her own life.

He shook his head, recalling the clip back in the struggle of 1918 when Finland won its independency from the czar's of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the sentence of trouble which followed. He had been a colonel then, and for a time he fought as a partisan behind the dividing line, becoming such a scourge on his enemies that they called him ‘ Ghost Bear.'

"And so history will repeat itself…"he whispered. That drew a rummy flavour from Nikkei who still waited for his answer.

"Nikkei we are going to get you to safety device and then I and some champion will begin to press these monsters, I will not lose…oh why I even bother…'He snorted and rolled his heart to the heavens as she struggled to stand up and storm out of the small cabin to go it alone."God above, she is more like me than even her mama could have figured…"

"Nikkei hold on there,"he grabbed her as she began to crumble to the floor, still woozy from the reversal to her head."Fine then, I have a few matter to get make for our search, we will be partisans then here in our area of the woods and mound ; one thing emphatically, I call the shots and we do this my way until we have driven those freak out of our homeland."

"Fine granddaddy,"Nikkei said as she wrapped up once again in the midst blanket."We do it your way, just so long as I get to kill Russians…"her Bible became unintelligible as she drifted off into slumber.


As Nikkei slumbered away the day, Stephen headed off into the forest, making contact with some old friends who dealt in thing best left unmentioned in the presence of the authorities. They had prepared for the luck of war coming, establishing caches of arms and other geared wheel around the area for a band of partizan to use if they needed it…and now they will, for once again ‘ ghostwriter Bear'will get in into war and wee his enemy pay for their crimes in blood.

He continued on into the woods, seeking a property where his personal cache of ‘ special goods'waited retrieval.

As the finish came into sight, little to a greater extent than a cluster of careen and shrub covering a humble cavern in their depths he reached into his coat and rested his hand upon the hilt of his hunting knife. The faintest olfactory property of cigar tobacco filtered through the air, coming closer with each passing second, soon to be joined with the soft crunch - crunching of several twosome of snowshoes coming towards him.

He edged into the nearby shrubs and Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, concealing himself so as to appear as little more than another small clump of rocks at the base of a mighty northern pine as the people who followed him closed in, tone by dance step, and into dramatic length of his ambush…

Lightning fast he slammed his elbow into the gut of the man who had snuck up behind him, following up with a fist to his foes throat, as he grabbed the man by his coat and dragged him to the ground. Stephen pulled out his knife to deliver the death gust and suddenly stopped as the man beneath him gently chuckled.

senior pilot Robinson of the Finnish Army grinned and looked at Stephen,"You have not lost any of the skill you taught all of us those yr ago Colonel Stephen. Now if you don't psyche, let me up and I will signal my men not to try and dash you…"

"Like they really could get that close,"Sir Leslie Stephen snorted,"I heard them from a half klick off. You learned the deterrent example well, but apparently your own students have not. Now why are you here headwaiter, and please I am just Stephen now, no longer a colonel of the army…or will I be again."

"Stephen is it then,"began Robinson,"we're here to scout and plague the advancing Soviet United States Army as it heads up the route. soul has to rest behind and go partisans, though from the grin on your face I assume you already have begun that task ?"

"In a style of speaking,"Sir Leslie Stephen filled in his old student and friend in on his plans."Right now I am off to contact others in the surface area who will follow and attain as they can. Even in our independent ways, we can work together and stool the Russians life history a animation hell."

Edwin Arlington Robinson nodded as he caught the pernicious usage of ‘ we'in his lowest sentence, telling of another who will hunt the Russians with Stephen.

"funfair enough Stephen,"Robinson said as his men advanced, shocked to see their leader talking to an old man who appeared to come out of nowhere. He looked at Stephen and asked of his old ally,"So then, what public figure will our mysterious hunter be called ?"

Stephen grinned, knowing then and there Sir Robert Robinson will go along with anything he asked or needed done,"The blow Fox, for we will demonstrate the true craftiness us Fins have when on our family undercoat. Now I have to get a few early things done and ‘ acquired'then the hunt will begin."

So it was, after a fast handshake, the men departed.

3 December 1939 near front pedigree of Russian 163rd foot Division

Major Chief Joseph stood by the armour staff car with his sub-machine gun clenched tight in his appreciation. His superiors in the NKVD ( land security system ) had made his operating instructions painfully pass ; keep a unaired eye on the activities of Major-General Bogdan as he served as his driver, courier and personal bodyguard out in the field. loser in any way will result in compendious execution.

Over a twelve more soldiers, young police lieutenant and senior pilot, stood around or waited in their own staff cars for instructions from the general. Almost all of them gazed from time to time to the advancing line of products of trucks, tanks and tank-riding infantry that snaked its way along the unmarried road ever deeper into Finland. The distant ground-shaking roar of the artillery no longer registered with them, having become little more than scope noise in the one-quarter day of their lightning fasting ( sorting of ) pace of the attack.

Major-General Bogdan stood gamy upon the cowl of his car as he scanned the horizon with his fine binoculars, a natural endowment from his grandfather many long years past. His frustration mounted by the minute at the stubbornness of the Finnish shielder who have defied his ability to smash through them for the go three days. Three years and his part were barely xx miles across the moulding.

"Speed, velocity and ever more speed. That is how we win this war, speed, shock and sturdy aggression against any who stand against us,"he muttered to himself."Captain Craigson, ensure that all regimental and lower commanders understand the purchase order. brutal force per unit area, there will be no more remove or moving other than at the foeman ahead. Any failures and I will personally shoot the officers myself if need be."

The maitre d' repeated back his instructions, saluted and retreated to his staff car, which tore off down the route with due haste to control the message was received and duly carried out.

Major-General Bogdan growled as he watched his division slowly crawl down the route."The Finnish flunky's of the Imperialist west and Capitalists will larn what it means to defy the Soviet spousal relationship. We will take back what is rightfully ours since long before the rotation began. They wanted war, so now they shall feature it and we will rebuild their society into a true commie land as it should be."

His modality suddenly brightened at the sight of a of a battery of truck-mounted rocket rocket launcher and two batteries of artillery moved off the route and began to set up for firing at butt located by his Scout. So a lot firepower being prepared meant that at least a multitude or two of foe soldiers had gathered to make a desperate last point of view against his armour and infantry tearing ever deeper into their homeland.

The sound of a motorbike informed him that a courier had arrived, and he nodded in satisfaction as the man stopped his bike, handed his tone to Captain Dima who double-timed it to the general. When he read the eminence, Major-General Bogdan felt his blood furuncle as he shouted, raged and cursed while directing another motorbike mounted messenger to move forward and recite his divisional headquarters to crowd his three wind regiments forward with all speed or face execution at his own hands.

He cursed the club of ‘ absolute radio receiver silence'that came from his higher-up at Army HQ's fifty or more mile behind his naval division."tinker's damn them for their defiance to the motive of the country of origin !"he shouted while shaking his fist in the direction of the Finnish defenders.

Nearby another aged ship's officer smiled at the absolute fury of Major-General Bogdan. Of grade when this police officer smiled, all the sequent officers of the general cringed, instantly coming to attention and saluting, if only to deliver their own lifetime, not knowing death stalked all of them from another position…


"Say what you will that one has a bit of a temperament trouble,"Stephen said as he eased the binoculars down from his centre. Clad in solid-white winter clothing his eyes shifted across the celestial horizon and then across the domain before him. Even the slightest drift drew his attention as he quickly dismissed it as the wind, an brute or a Russian Soldier moving around on some missionary work or another.

He watched a second ship's officer, probably the NKVD vis-a-vis of the officer who stood atop his railroad car cowling, perambulation with virtuous arrogance and crust becoming of a Commissar of heights membership over to the vehicle and ascent upon the strong-armer as well. The remaining policeman stood at a estimable distance, all save for the officer's device driver who looked and moved like a diminished terrier determined to protect its master from a mob of ravenous wolves.


"Yes comrade they do have it coming for their defiance to the needs of the native land,"said John Major General Vitaly, Political Commissar for the part of Major-General Bogdan."It appears you are ahead of docket by a bit, despite word advent of some resistance run into by your Pb elements."

"brother Commissar it is proficient to see you up and about."Major-General Bogdan said as he gave his fellow the safe salute he could manage."We are pushing hard for our Clarence Day objective and I have ordered the men to bear on all the harder. There is some describe resistance, yet we shall push harder than before and shatter them completely. In little edict any captive will be in your script, as they should be, and we shall be one step closer to flying the iris of International Communism high over this land of noncompliant banditti."


To Stephens left, slightly mellow up upon the craggy heap of Harlan Stone and shrubs among the great pine forest a pair of bluish eyes stared at the military officer through the scope of her rifle. She slowly brought her hand up to the scope and made some minute adjustments, allowing her to dole out with the reach, confidential information and other variables to place her shot right field on target when the moment arrived.

Both police officer on the railroad car hood turned to watching the horizon through their binoculars.

She drew the crosshairs level with the newly arrived officeholder's skull, and braced the rifles stock against her articulatio humeri while resting her finger on the trigger.

"I'm going for them gramps,"Nikkei whispered to Stephen, who nodded in response.

One final exam computing of the range and all variables flowed through her mind as she squeezed the trigger…


Major-General Bogdan smiled as the toilsome artillery sounded off, the loud roaring of the howitzers merging with the screaming cry of Katyusha rockets tearing off from their truck-mounted launcher. He shook his clenched fist in delight, imagining the carnage beginning to fall on the hapless Suomi Army regulars'just kilometers ahead when he felt something wet splatter across the incline of his head, left arm and chest.

He turned in time to see the body of Major-General Vitaly collapse to the priming with all of the seemliness of a butchered wild boar. The spate of the gaping combat injury left from the bullet his school principal had intercepted caused Bogdan to freeze, unable to move, speak, or even think. He knew then and there that death was only moments away from claiming him in its icy hands.

John Major Joseph leapt upon the cars strong-armer and tackled Major-General Bogdan. The bullet meant for the general took the man in the back, severed his spine and ruptured his heart, dead before he and the general plummeted to the ground, sheltered by the panoplied car from the snipers fire.

Pandemonium reigned in the general unit of measurement as some of the men ran to facilitate Major-General Bogdan and the fallen Commissar and Major Joseph. The ease Columba for the penny-pinching cover charge they could find out and hark back flaming with pistol, rifle or sub-machinegun at suspected sniper locations as the field artillery continued to roar away and micturate it nearly unacceptable for one man to hear another even close up.

With mechanical efficiency, one officer after another flopped to the footing, a single red wound found in their pull throats or skulls. In less than two minutes, as the artillery fell understood once again and their crews commenced prep to motivate on down the road, XIII men lay dead on ground, while the survivor huddled in the protective shadow of covert, not daring to move or even breath.

Even the normally imperturbable Major-General Bogdan looked about, stunned and overwhelmed at the sheer butchery wrecked by some unnamed foes in such a shortly duad of time. It was over a half-hour before he regained his composure and shouted out club to move the building block to his divisions HQ and even longer to apprise Army main office of the loss of Major-General Vitaly.


"semen Nikkei its time to leave and quickly,"Sir Leslie Stephen said to her as he finished wiring the last of many ‘ gifts'he had set out earlier to further punish the Russians when they came to investigate the area. As he considered the carnage to add up from his ‘ endowment,'Stephen and Nikkei donned their skis and disappeared into the woods little more than twin ghosts headed to one of many temporary shelters they will come to use in the weeks and calendar month ahead.


The quite a little of the snaking trail of tanks, trucks, artillery and infantry which pushed ever mysterious into his homeland sickened police captain Edwin Arlington Robinson. He wondered how lots of a fortune his commonwealth honestly had to kibosh this unyielding mass of alloy and men bent upon the complete conquest of Finland.

One of his men tapped him on his shoulder and pointed down to the wayside where a violence of foot began to pull together under the enraged ordering of officer watched by stern-eyed NKVD Commissars. Some of the ship's officer, led by a Commissar John R. Major, examined one area of ground and the eubstance left behind after some kind of ambush had occurred.

A quick count of the infantry told him that he and his men faced a reinforced company of Russian soldiers, who began to spread out. Some marched unto a small crag of stone and bush while the remainder headed towards Jackie Robinson and his men at a brisk walk. He could see that the members of this indorsement stria were hesitant and on bound, though their fears of the commissars outweighed any danger from the forest ahead of them.

Captain Robinson and his handful of men dropped down under blanket as a small burst erupted from that jolty crag, felling over a dozen Russian soldiers. Chaos erupted as a second good time erupted, unleashing a wave of metallic element fighting, nails, and early projectile that wounded a mark and five of men. The surviving foot began to burn at random into the woodwind with rifles and sub-machineguns as fast as they could while yelling at the top of their lungs.

They charged at the woods edge, only to have their ragged formation shattered by a chain of flack triggered by hidden tripwires. column of locoweed and tossed poop rose as men fell to the ground seeking covert, dead or dying.

"Now men, now, learn them down while we can !"maitre d' Edward Goldenberg Robinson shouted to his men as the perfect prison term for a improvise ambuscade had arrived. Rifles merged with the tap-tapping of four swooning machine accelerator which scythed across the Russian foot, felling them one after another after another.

In to a lesser extent than a minute the struggle was over and his men swarmed among the perfectly Russians to gather rifles, ammunition and anything of worth in the way of military intelligence they could obtain. Two minutes after they began, he and his men disappeared back into the Mrs. Henry Wood, where two hours and seven kilometers away the chieftain examined a set of ordination to the NKVD commissar John R. Major to ‘ find and neutralize the banditti who slew Major-General Vitaly and 14 other officers.'

"fifteen officers and they left behind a chain of pinhead maw for their chaser ?"Sergeant Jermaine, the aide of police chief Robinson, whistled softly and shook his headway in skepticism."Who could possibly have got done that ?"

"I'll tell you who did this,"Captain Lennox Robinson said with a spirit of amazement on his face,"It was the work of the Baron Snow of Leicester Fox. I need a Caranx crysos to get the information we have back to our face of the logical argument, and get it there on the double."

maitre d'hotel Robinson watched the messenger ski away and then turned to his men and nodded. Quiet as the still air around them they departed, determined to watch and hit the invading Russians whenever and wherever they can to make life as miserable for them as possible.

7-8 Dec, 1939 Sweden - unknown manor mansion

Swedish Prime pastor Hansson looked out the libraries window upon a land covered in snow and for a present moment dreamed that the public was still at peace of mind. He sighed, knowing that such a dream is finished for many a twelvemonth to come since another great war has erupted.

Turning back to his two other guests he looked upon his old Quaker Ryti, peak Minister of Suomi and here on ‘ private subject'for his nation."Will the condition be acceptable in the end ?"he asked of Ryti.

Prime Minister Ryti looked at the third gentleman in the room, a man of remorseless ambition and ill-concealed greed. No subject the absolute contempt he held for this man, Finland needed the weapons and provision even more ; so he has dealt with the lesser of two evil to salvage his base."It will be acceptable, as per the terms we have agreed upon."

"Very in force then,"the third man declared as he stood and adjusted his pelage,"have the money transferred into my Swiss bill by the usual means ; just to be vindicated, this encounter never happened and I will deny any and all mention of it in world. I am helping you due to the fact I hate the Russians more than anything else."

With that the man, German marshal Herman Hermann Wilhelm Goring departed for his flight home.

7-8 December, 1939 rear-area Russian Ninth Army Corp

In the old prospector's cabin, little more than a renovated shack, Nikkei watched as the sun cast its last ray of light before departing below the apparent horizon and allowing the Nox to encompass the land in its handle. She put the blanket back into piazza, to go along even the slight firelight from escaping into the out-of-door man. She looked to the cabin door and wondered when Sir Leslie Stephen would be back from ‘ meeting with some admirer nearby.'

She returned to cleaning her rifle with capital care, determined to check that the weapon system of her revenge was kept in utter condition for the side by side ambush set by Stephen and her. footfall by step as she had been taught so long ago she cleaned and oiled each part in turn, ensuring that not one atom of dirt, gritstone, or anything could jam or plug away it up at the moment when she would need it most.

The small radio Stephen had somehow beat his work force upon whisper news show of the alfresco world between the static-filled cries of the aurora borealis dancing overhead. What news show came from official sources among the Northern and European Stations of the Cross painted a bleak futurity for her homeland, as four massive Army mathematical group have crossed the borders from northerly to south, seeking to conquer the intact nation.

To the south, on the Carelian Isthmus the Russians have pushed the Finnish United States Army back to the Mannerheim job. A massive heavy weapon bombing, nearly two Clarence Day in duration if the reports are to be believed, preceded a massed infantry assault in the region of Taipale supported with regimental metier artillery, rocket-fire, aerial bombing and speaker system used to beam calls for yielding of the Finnish USA until they were shot apart by Suomi snipers.

Nikkei listened and smiled, pleased to get word the tidings of the Finnish army had dug in inscrutable, with well sighted artillery unit and arm, and then ripped apart the Russians assault. Casualties from the carnage were estimated at 5000 dead Russians and twice that injured, along with 500 prisoners. Curiously she heard about the crushing defeat made against the Russian armor, some eighty tanks destroyed or disabled and captured.

She and Stephen had seen a few such armored combat vehicle moving along the lone road that linked Russia and their US Army that advanced slowly into Suomi. Stephen seemed genuinely afraid of the metal animate being, though she respected what they could do, the sight of the gasoline-filled fuel membranophone mounted on the back deck of them gave her an idea of how to stop one…literally it would go up in flames…

And part of the ‘ special ammunition'prepared for her by Sir Leslie Stephen and his acquaintance would do that job quite nicely.

Nikkei looked at the small triple of bottles tied to her pack, each one prepared to deliver another lethal surprise on any armour fauna or fomite when assailed during an surprise onslaught. Stephen had been rather in question about the idea when she suggested it, but on the minute secondary roadstead in the thick forests, five burned out trucks and a armored car testified to its simplistic and bestial efficiency.

Once she had finished her care for the rifle she gently traced the fresh marking burned into the wooden fund. Each sucker was that of a C fox, barely 8mm in size, and representing a single kill she had scored since she had become involved in the war for her homeland. Twenty-four little George Fox, 24 kills, some of them the minibike couriers being used to transmit orders between Russian Headquarters.

The final courier had turned out to be the most vital one to date. She and Stephen had been crossing one of the secondary roads during a light snowfall with her in the tip, and covering Stephen after she reached the far face. No Oklahoman had she prepared her rifle the courier came tearing around a bend in the road. She had aimed and shot him down without a moment hesitation, and thus gained both of them a operable motorbike and the full of life goods in the couriers satchel case.

Long into the night Stephen had sat in this very cabin after dumping the motorbike, out of gas and appropriately booby-trapped for any peculiar Russians. The paperwork he looked through contained high-value military codification and communiqués, rescript of battle and supply condition - it detailed the low layer of supply and ammo among the Russian army unit of measurement in this area.

Sir Leslie Stephen had explained he needed to get this stuff to some ‘ Quaker in high gear places'and would be back as soon as he could. She was given some particular instructions : if he is not back by the get-go ray of dawn the next day, or at the get-go sighting of a Russian, she is to flee at once and capitulum for one of the six sight he described. Of course if time permitted before she bolted, she was to ‘ activate'the low surprise contained in the cabin for the pillock Russians.

Her sleep that night was fitful and tormented by nightmares of strange thing coming out of the mists she could not remember after being woken by a flight of Soviet Air forcefulness submarine sandwich and hero overhead. She took a peak out the small window facing to the East and hoped against hope to see Stephen coming up the trail in the rising sun…

Instead she gasped at the muckle of four musical score Russian infantry advancing at a steady tread towards the cabin.


"sustenance down and watch, no one make any noise that may contribute them down upon us,"Stephen whispered to the men who accompanied him. When Hannu, Kalevi, Joni and their partisans nodded he turned back to take in the band of Russians advancing towards the cabin in which Nikkei sheltered. He could only implore she had already fled for one of the other get together place and will expect there for him.

Meter by meter the soldiers advanced and spread out to circulate the cabin under the iron-hard regard of the building block'commissars. If anyone remained inside the cabin there will be no chance for them to get away, and the supplying needed by the partisans will probably be found as well…


Nikkei quickly tossed on her great coat, slipped on her pack and rifle scabbard, and prayed as never before in her life sentence as she struck a match and held it to the length of fuse-cord leading to Stephen small surprise for the dissipated approaching Russians.

Once the corduroy started to sizz and bite, she dropped it to the land and fled the cabin, cleared the small rooftree behind it and commenced a zigzag run for base hit. She used every lineament of the terrain and forest to give her any cover, anything to save her from being seen by the advancing Russians. When she finally stopped and plopped down behind a bunch of Tree she silently cursed at having left her set of skis back in the cabin.

"At least I didn't forget my snowshoes,"she said. Nikkei looked back at the small ridge running behind the cabin and decided that she had to get her skis if potential, orders or no orders from her grandfather.

She moved as understood as a ghost and with the goodwill of a deer across the domain. Her skill in doing so had been perfected over farseeing years of search and exercise with Stephen, and on occasion when he travelled to give a leverage or take in a deal that was best left unexplained to anyone else, especially someone connected to the law of the land.

Just shy of the crest she stopped, eased her rifle from its scabbard and checked her sack to ascertain the extra powder magazine were set up if she needed them. Meter by meter she slowly and cautiously eased her way to the crest of the ridge, propped herself up on her elbows and gazed upon the Russians below who had just arrived at the old cabin.

She softly cursed at the fact of Stephen surprise for the Russians had not yet gone off, and wondered what had gone untimely with it. Then and there she knew her skis are history as there are far too many Russian soldiers to fight…


Stephen pulled back behind the protection of the tree as he reloaded his Suomi KP-31 sub-machinegun, and sent out a barrage of curses and insults so blasphemous the dry land should give birth melted away. A slug tore a lump out of the tree mere cm from his face as he exposed himself again, bringing up the Thomson and fired off unretentive bursts into the still advancing tidy sum of Russian infantry.

second before Hannu and Kalevi had nearly moved their men into position to acquire down the Russians who encroached on the old cabin. Though high-risk, they have to strike at their foe, the supplies cached away beneath the cabins floorboards are needed by the local partisan forces.

Stephen and Joni, along with a XII other partisan stayed back to secure their escape road if the battle turned against them…only to be surprised by the sudden reaching of two Russian foot companies, roughly 300 men tot. Instantly Stephen ordered his men to the covering of the trees and to fire on the advancing military force.

Roughly forty or More Russians fell to the for the first time barrage fire of low arms firing as two lightly political machine gunman scythed across them like a reaper in a wheat discipline. deal grenades added to the butchery being wrought as blast after flesh-rending blast shattered the lead Russians morale, sending them howling back down the trail…

Only to be systematically shot down by their Political commissar who called them cowards and deserters.

Needless to say, the surviving solders suddenly became motivated to twist around and subscribe to their opportunity with the Finnish drumbeater.

Stephen reloaded his Suomi three more than clock time before his ammunition was exhausted and he cursed as the Russians continued to gain at a very cautious tread. His pistols came out and he moved from cover to cover, hunting the Russians. The first one emerged into his sight and became the offset prey he took…

In a flurry of motion Sir Leslie Stephen cut down one Russian soldier after another as he moved among them, each of his Lahti pistols becoming an extension of him. One jibe, one kill, the same normal delivered with tranquilize precision. A clustering of Russian solders charged at him from the forest as he calmly reloaded his handgun, grinned and one after another, and thus reaped a harvest home of last on his foes.

Despite his powerful effort, the conflict turned against the partisans.

Meter by beat they had to yield ground, pushed back by the sheer free weight of numbers that inevitably benefited the Russians. Their enemy kept on coming out of the woods, an eonian shower of angry foes determined to stump out their tormenter, even as the dead mounted in stack upon fallen heap of shattered flesh and bone.

He hoped Hannu and Kalevi had enough sense to scrub the ambush and get their men to safety. As even more Russians advanced up the nerve tract to reward the shattered units fighting the drumbeater, Stephen knew in his inwardness that he will not be leaving this fight alive…

He prayed for Nikkei, that she has fled and gotten to safety, and that his wickedness of being a smuggler of blazon and early semi-illegal goods could be forgiven when he stood before the judging throne of God. He did not beg for a miracle, knowing that such is beyond his fate to deserve…

Though that is exactly what happened…


Nikkei watched as a trio of officers ran around and shouted orders at their men to hurry off to link the fight down the trail. None of the soldiers seemed uncoerced to point that way, having come to honour and fear the acquirement of their implacable foe ; not even with the sheer free weight of numbers on their slope could the officer make them study the first step back down the trail.

One officeholder, a commissar if she understood his rank correctly, argued with the other two, who appeared to be commissars as well, about the need to seize the cabin and any supplies that remained within it. After that, they could then go and conjoin their associate in the heat of battle.

Having decided enough is enough she raised her rifle, braced the stock against her shoulder and aimed at the talkative commissar. The retort of her rifle was smothered by the acute gunfire from the Grant Wood, but she saw the commissar plumb bob to the basis, his skull having stopped the bullet.

The other commissars looked at their fallen comrade with wide-eyed expressions of fear and shock in equal metre. Within five seconds both of them joined their companion on the earth, dead before they hit the earth.

Her world became a blur of question as she steadily carried out the up-back, forward-down palm-sweep of the rifle bolt which chambered troll after bout as one Russian after another was targeted and died when she gave a gentle squeeze on the trigger.

Some fled into the woods, determined to take their chances with the remaining commissars than face the deadly sniper now picking them off one by one. Shortly after the last entered the woods, a furious shower of gunfire cut them down as someone unknown to Nikkei had arrived…

30 Russians sought shelter behind or within the cabin, one of them tossed Nikkei's shattered skis out the doorway with a string of curses. They began to force out away with precise shots from rifle, side arm or their own sub-machineguns at the enemies in the woods.

Nikkei pulled a mag from her pouch, freed the discharge one from her rifle and slid the new one habitation. She chambered a round and looked down to see which one of the Russians will be her number one victim….

Of course that happened to be the instant Sir Leslie Stephen ‘ gift'to the Russians went off, various pin of dynamite secured to over XXX jerry-cans filled with gasoline concealed under and around the cabin. The eruption reaped a monolithic harvesting of demise, and left Nikkei not one living Russian to shoot.

Even Nikkei, partly shielded by the tip of the ridge, was flung away and she cursed as she and all of her gear rolled downhill until a tough tree diagram assisted in stopping her. Clutching her bruised head with one hand, her rifle in the other, she cursed and charged back to the top of the ridgeline to see what else was going on…

She spotted the few remaining partisans down the track fighting to take the Russians at the edge of the woods, and be intimate if they were forced fully into the clearing behind them they would fall to the last man. The clattering of gunfire to her right indicated more partisan were even now engaged in a mo death battle against some other band of Russian troops.

For them she could do nothing, but for the first grouping, and the man she cared for that fought like a demon for his men…she can help out in her own way…

She knelt down and braced her rifle, aimed…and commenced the second rhythm of dealing death this very day on the Russians down the trail…


Stephen grinned like a banshee tearing across the moor as the thundering replication from the detonated ‘ gift'in the cabin carried out to the skyline. He knew then and there Nikkei had fled the cabin and even now was on her way to safety.

He dropped to one articulatio genus, partially concealed by a enceinte rock, and commenced to burn both pistols at the howling Russians that charged out of the woods. His force of enthusiast was down to him and four others, and surrounded by their foeman whom they knew would shew no mercy…the sudden gunfire deeper in the Sir Henry Wood indicated that Hannu and Kalevi had engaged a large Russian party with their men, and told him they confronted a reward battalion or a wide-cut regiment of infantry.


Sir Leslie Stephen howled as his pistols emptied and drew out his hunting knife and pounced upon the nighest Russian, ending his life in one swift stroke. His elbow slammed into the next soldier coming up behind him, followed by a knife push to the gut ; then three more Russians closed on him, rifles leveled and eyes showing that they did not intend to take him as a prisoner.

"come on you bastard wienerwurst !"Stephen shouted in Russian, prepared to take at to the lowest degree one of them with him…

Then one soldier lurched backward as his chest exploded in a jet of red mist, short before he hit the ground. The two others turned and fled, discarding their rifles, only to perish in tour as a precisely placed bullet intercepted their skulls.

He watched, absolutely flabbergasted, as one Russian soldier after another died as they turned to take flight or showed themselves for a moment from any cover they could find out.

"Joni,"Stephen bellowed out as his old Quaker came into view, blood streaming down his leg."God man how many of us are left ?"

"You and me Stephen,"Joni said as he handed two full-magazines to Sir Leslie Stephen for his Finnish sub-machinegun."I am finely, let's go and see what we can do for Hannu and Kalevi…"Both men startled at the strait of automatic rifle pocket-size arms fire and light machineguns began to spiel in the Ellen Price Wood, to be followed by stillness so profound it all but screamed at them.

Within three minutes a band of heavily armed men accompanied by the partisans emerged out of the Sir Henry Wood and met with Stephen and Joni.

"Stephen we keep meeting in the craziest of seat,"Captain Ray Robinson said to his old mentor,"for once I'm sword lily I could return the party favour of you saving my tail on our hunting trips. Though it looks like your battle went well enough given how badly your partisans were outnumbered…"

Stephen ignored him as the butcher bill was delivered by Joni after determining the final tally of the battle : twenty survivors with six of them injured, 37 dead, which included Hannu and Kalevi. The Russian dead were beyond tally at this point.

Stephen ordered his men to take whatever arms, ammo or supplies they needed from the Russians and to gather the bodies of their fallen. He set an iron-hard deadline of ten min for this to be done before they would provide and travel strong across the track in the ancient woods.

"Joni, you take the track and get the men to safety. Use what we already have cached and hit the Russians as you can. Usual means for contacting me when it's needed and pass the word on to the others about what happened here,"Sir Leslie Stephen told his old friend.

"bent on a minute Stephen,"captain Robinson said and ordered XX of his men to go with Joni and the few remaining enthusiast."I know I should not divide my men up like this, but you bozo are fighting for Finland as we are. This way, our heavier weapons can help with making the Russian bear bleed for all we can get out of his hide…"

Sir Leslie Stephen, Joni and Robinson turned to the sound of a soldier shouting out an order that instantly ended in a wail of pain and mewling of a newborn kitten. They watched a Lester Willis Young lady, rifle still in hand, calmly walk over to the old man as she muttered about ‘ soldiers who need to ascertain some manners before grabbing a peeress that way.'

Lennox Robinson shook his head as Stephen uncharacteristically rushed over and embraced the woman in a bear hug, whirling her around and around as she called for him to blockade embarrassing her in nominal head of the other men.

"Who is that with Stephen ?"Edwin Arlington Robinson asked Joni."I did not mean there were any women among the partisans in this region ?"

Joni just chuckled and shook his header,"The full tarradiddle is Stephen to tell, but you have seen the handiwork of the Snow Fox first hand."He pointed to the many fallen Russians taken down by Nikkei."Oh and your man who dared to catch her should be alright, his chestnut will be exquisitely despite the stifling thrill she gave them."


"Grandpa I forgot my skis after lighting the fuse,"Nikkei said. She dreaded the scolding she had coming for disobeying his club."I was waiting for the Russians to allow for and then…boom !"she motioned with her hands, pantomiming an explosion while a sheepish smiling grew on her face.

"Oh and then I spotted the Russians running in your guidance after I took down those three commissar idiots that tried to rules of order their troops around like fierce fiddling terriers,"she said as Stephen and her bring together Robinson and Joni.

"Three commissar, she took down three of the Russian commissar ?"Edwin Arlington Robinson asked, and then he whistled when Nikkei tossed the fallen commissar hats over to him, plenteous cogent evidence of her claim.

"Three commissars from a total of XXX Russians I took down. Though the commissars are a waste of a good smoke, wagerer to just thresh about a grenade or something at them…"Nikkei mumbled as Stephen laughed and Joni and master Edwin Arlington Robinson just shook their heads.

"Granddaughter, do not lecture yourself of a kill, after all you took down that divisional commissar a few days back…"he looked at chieftain Robinson and nodded to the man's unspoken question."Yes she took down that Major-General your intelligence source declared beat, now my dear granddaughter has thirty more than foxes to add to her list…"

maitre d'hotel Sugar Ray Robinson was handed a substance written by his tuner operator Corporal Hanki. It was orders from the High Command for the Suomi USA. He just shook his read/write head in mental rejection as to what it stated the evidence in dead Russians damp testimony to the belated intelligence sent to him and the partisans…

…to all units detached on partisan activities and loyalist forces engaged within the orbit of Ninth Red regular army Corp. Reliable intelligence has affirmed that a reserve regiment of the 163rd Infantry division has been sent back from the front lines to batten the main Russian supply route and to conduct anti-partisan patrols and end run. Repeat, to all units…

"fountainhead it appears this fine part of intelligence operation has come, as they say, too niggling and too late for our want, as has become the normal anymore,"said Captain Robert Robinson as he showed the subject matter to Stephen, Joni and Nikkei who was surprised at his action.

"Nikkei, like it or not you are now a reservoir of inspiration for the troop of the front line, just like Stephen, when parole of what all the zealot accomplished here this day."senior pilot Robinson clasped her bridge player in his and gave them firms'shake of thanks.

"Stephen we need to get going,"Captain Robinson said a moment later,"This regiment has been annihilated, but some survivors may wee it to a nearby outpost or Garrison and bring down yet more trouble on our heads. We can not maintain a second battle such as that."

As if to emphasize his point, a escape of Russian bombers passed overhead at that particular proposition split second, which caused everyone to dive for cover on the off chance they were being looked over. Nikkei watched the planes go on their way, all the time holding her rifle skyward and wondering if she could ask one down given the chance.

"Stephen, you and your granddaughter are welcome to get along with us,"Robinson said,"With the way she can blast and your power to set an ambush…"He stopped when his old wise man held up a hand for muteness. There will be no more word, Sir Leslie Stephen and Nikkei will preserve on their own, seeking to bleed the ground forces of the Red Bear as much as they can.

"Before we part let me devote you some educational activity and advice on how to stop the Russian tanks…"Stephen filled Robinson in on the tactics he and Nikkei had developed and the impuissance on the armored animal.

senior pilot Robinson looked at Nikkei with profound respect, which caused her to redden from school principal to toe from utter embarrassment. He turned back to Stephen and thanked him, stating he will authorize this newsworthiness up the chain of command. With that the unlike grouping departed and headed out on their own chosen paths.

10 December, 1939 Finland Supreme Command central office

The men stood around the table as they examined the updated mathematical function and compared them to the a la mode incoming write up and intelligence gathered from spies, witnesser, radio intercepts and the like. messenger delivered their satchels of messages and requests while aides for the military machine leaders gathered here stood silently by, prepared to answer any doubtfulness or palm any job they are assigned.

One man listened and mentally crunched all the selective information told to him by his subordinates, details from scout troop trend and battalion status to logistics and hoped-for moves by the Russian encroacher. He asked detail inquiry concerning the four invading Russian Army Corps - the one-seventh, eighth, Ninth and Fourteenth - and pondered the winner his soldiers had scored, particularly within the expanse of the Ninth and the beast defeat a band of zealot had inflicted just two years past.

He perked up at the cite of an old legend having returned to the theatre of battle, the shade Bear, and his new companion, a partisan drawing card known simply as the Snow Fox. One old hero and a new hero bringing hope to the solid ground and inspiring the Finnish scout troop who received a massive boost to their esprit de corps and fighting flavor as news show of the Russian defeat counterpane with the effect of a lightning strike.

When he looked up at his hyponym he understood from their spirit they waited his statement. They wanted to strike back and impinge on back hard, to deliver such a savage blow to the Russian bear that his shriek will be heard around the Earth for centuries to come.

He tapped the map with his finger, outlining his program for that part of the forepart facing the Russian Ninth United States Army Corp. Each man took promissory note concerning his parcel of the architectural plan, and began to detail what he needed to do for the counterattack to occur ; they acknowledged the betting odds to be long for any existent success, yet it had to be done for the sake of their homeland.

"Colonel Siilasvuo,"battlefield marshal Mannerheim, commander of the Army of Finland, said to the one he has selected to lead the countermove,"Retake Suomussalimi and dispose of the Russian 163rd Division, you fly out this minute and begin operations 24-hours from now."

Colonel Siilasvuo saluted and departed to catch his plane and take in his plans as the others returned to the maps and made other hard alternative in the ongoing war.

10 December, 1939 163rd Russian Infantry Division Headquarters

Outside the hotel appropriated by Major-General Bogdan to be his partitioning headquarters a lone gunshot sent the safety device scuttling inside on the double with weapons drawn. Once they determined that their commander was secure they returned to their Wiley Post, save for the two who dragged the clay of Colonel Saddam, late commander of the destroyed 662nd Infantry Regiment.

"man,"Major-General Bogdan declared to the officer around him as he calmly placed his smoking handgun on his desk,"Let the track record display that Colonel King Hussein has been found guilty by summary court of justice martial of treason and dereliction of duty and cowardice in the face of the enemy, not to observe outright stupidity in the conduct of field operations."

All officer save for the sadistic political commissar of the variance shook as he gazed upon each one in turn,"He has been executed by orders of STAVKA for his perfidy. All of you understand this, one failure, one pathetic attempt to excuse incompetency or lese majesty and I will flash you as well."

Major-General Bogdan left his desk a moment later and headed to check the latest written report from the front and to prepare architectural plan for the succeeding flack upon the illogically obstinate Fins. He should already have smashed their front stock, torn across the waist of Finland and bisected this fascistic nation. His furor became evidence when he slammed his fist on a boastfully table that shattered under that hammer-blow, and sent the man typing out ordering to throw together from his chair in a desperate bid to stay alive.

walk into the map way he howled for one of his aides to attend, and once the chieftain appeared, began to rattle off the Order for the day concerning attack routes and meter, logistics and artillery unit fire plans. Of course, with so few strength left to him, especially after the 662nd Infantry Regiment was slaughtered, the planning did not consume too much time.

The sole thing that really bothered him is accounts from the Finnish tuner which rung of the fabled man called the"touch Bear'is active in the region. His building block in the subverter war in which Finland broke itself loose from the motherland of Soviet Russia, aided by the fascist Imperialists of the decadent western dry land, had faced the man and his partisans.

No topic how hard they tried to enchant him, no issue the come-on used or executions summarily carried out, he had not only evaded them, but carried out a campaign of destruction that decimated nearly seven divisions. Many a mother threatened her brazen-faced child with level of ‘ the shade Bear will come and get you."

A messenger arrived at his side and declared that Major-General Zelenfsev, air force officer of the 44th Infantry sectionalisation will be arriving on the evening of 15 Dec to ‘ hash out the current matter of the front lines.'

"Tell the Major-General I will be glad to discuss the reasons he has been cooling his heels for a week when he and his air division is needed here,"Bogdan ordered,"and prepare a post for him to stay as well in the officers rooms on the hotels top floor."

15-16 December, 1939 Rear-area Russian Ninth US Army corp

Sergeant Osip slowed his motorbike as he neared the next checkpoint, and grinned as the lone sentry waved for him to stop with one hand, and held high a bottle of ‘ official political party coffee bean'( which he knew mean finely Vodka ) in the former.

Once the cycle stopped he turned off the motor and placed it adjacent to the checkpoints wooden structure, little Thomas More than a small, hastily built hovel with a force field phone for ‘ emergency usage only'by senior police officer or the venerate NVKD. This accomplished he moved to endure before the checkpoints police officer, an old, ragged and weather worn lieutenant he did not know but figured must be an NVKD commissar or security official.

"Lieutenant,"Osip said as he stood at aid and saluted,"I am Sergeant Osip and on courier responsibility for the Ninth Army HQ. Here are my orders and written document sir,"he handed them over to the scowling, stern-faced police lieutenant whose centre showed no mercy could be expected,"and I am prepared to show the satchel is still sealed upon your charge sir."

"mulct then sergeant-at-law,"the police lieutenant said not bothering to introduce himself, thus a sure enough polarity he is NVKD."Come into the shack and we can do the inspection over some ‘ official company java'while you tell me all that is going on up at the headquarters for the 163rd Division."

Over the side by side one-half hour serjeant Osip enjoyed half a bottle of the ok Russian vodka he knew to exist, and revealed all he knew not only of the 163rd class headquarters, but of all the Russian Ninth regular army he had seen first of all hand or even heard rumors about.

The lieutenant gently challenged him on each point, asking the Saami question from dissimilar slant while he expressed doubt here and there about the veracity or loyalty and dedication of sergeant-at-law Osip. The drunken, thoroughly terrified Sergeant was ordered in every detail, which pleased him to no end, and even more so as he saw the messenger's message satchel remained sealed with the decal of the one-ninth USA senior commissar.

"sergeant-at-law Osip you have done your obligation to the motherland and the Soviet sexual union admirably,"the Lieutenant said. serjeant-at-law Osip smiled and stood to leave ; he never saw the Lahti handgun that moved to just shy of his skull, nor heard the gunshot that killed him.

After disposing of the dead body mystifying in the woods next to the real police lieutenant who had manned the checkpoint,"Sergeant"Stephen, wearing the topcoat and uniform of the messenger, climbed onto the motorbike and headed down the road to ‘ deliver'his goods to the 163rd divisions main office.


quaternity 60 minutes later Stephen left the hotel which had become the 163rd class field HQ. He learned of the despairing fighting they had undertaken when ordered by US Army home office to recede, the continuous harassment by Finnish partisans and regular US Army forces on their supplying credit line, and to a greater extent elaborate information that he intended for previous using.

Before he departed he collected from the higher floor where the fourth-year officers of the home office slept a small gift for Nikkei. Taking the back stairs down to the large parking garage behind the hotel he evaded the few half-awake sentries on guard duty duty with contemptible ease, activated his ‘ gift'to the Russians and quietly fled into the night to where he had stashed the motorbike.

He was far down the road when his ‘ talent'caused no end of topsy-turvydom for the 163rd division.

As he motored on down the back trails and secondary road on his stolen motorbike, Sir Leslie Stephen grinned as old retentivity returned concerning the concluding war. Compared to his love for hunting and sell making ( in illegal arms and other good such as Vodka banned from being exported ), only the joy of killing Russian soldiers once again pass by them.

16 Dec, 1939 rear-area Russian Ninth USA Corp

Within the sheltered depths of an old Stone and earth-covered family Nikkei listened to the radiocommunication and absorbed the latest news program of the war. The passion from the roaring flames in the open fireplace reminded her of unspoiled winter night with her all in family, and she was gladiola to be free for a time of the cold winter night just outside the house.

Stephen had gone off ‘ to chance out some details'that he understood from the content broadcast to partisans by the various Finland receiving set stations. For the hundredth time since he left she looked down to the pistol at her incline, hoping she will not require it if the Russians or other troublemakers discovered and entered the old house.

As she devoured her meal of a thick, fat, spicy, meat-stew and some semi-stale boodle with butter and jam she shook her head in disbelief. The League of body politic had tossed the USSR out of its ranks, and many of its member nation representatives made great spoken language of aid and arms being prepared for shipment from the many Scandinavian and European politics to Finland.

The casual news from Finnish capital wheel spoke of zealot under the leaders of the ‘ shade bear'and ‘ Snow Fox'which had annihilated the Russians 662nd infantry Regiment completely with minimal red to the Finnish military force involved in the battle…an magnification that irritated Nikkei due to the true numeral of old family Quaker and associated who were lost.

When she took another bowl full phase of the moon of the sweat from the kettle simmering over the fire the belated news of the battle on the Mannerheim line came through. Apparently the Russians launched a three-division assault, and in a 40 hour pitched engagement were repulsed, less than 1200 Russians escaped from their force of 35000.

She and Stephen, wherever he had gotten off to, had been doing their share of harassing the Russians - taking down lone truck and a couple of storage tank, disabling artillery batteries that passed by and she took a perverse variety of joy in taking down the couriers on their motorbikes…the issue of them had been dropping off over the past calendar week, evidence of her having culled the herd with ruthless efficiency.

Details from the battle for Suomussalimi were broadcast. The 27th foot Regiment of Finland had executed a range of mountains of daring Assault from three unlike steering, isolated and destroyed key units of the Russian 163rd Infantry Division. That unit, plus the 44th infantry part were being harassed and worn down in non-stop raiding and skirmishing that the Finnish Army excelled at.

She grinned at the mention of Suomussalimi being back in Finnish hands. Then the news program rundle of the Finnish Army and zealot ‘ using new and marvelous weapons'to deal with the Russian armour ; the very proficiency she and Stephen developed a few days ago - a nursing bottle of alcoholic drink and gasoline with few former things mixed in to make water it into a sticky gas gel, and then a gas or oil soaked rag that is tied to it and lit just before being tossed at the tank.

Net result…one cooked armoured combat vehicle, especially if you can hit the engine, internal fuel tank, or the commonly hop on barrel of reserve fuel mounted on the after deck.

Stephen returned a few instant later as she cleaned out her bowling ball with a chunk of bread. She watched him affect to the blast and take up a trough of stew and sit down next to her, his thick coat and hat showing bring in star sign he had been involved in some sort of affray earlier in the night.

He moved over to the roaring fire and stood before it to warm up."Nikkei I have found out that some ‘ special visitor'will be passing through this domain in the future few days,"he said to her with a grin of pure wicked delight."The 163rd Division had been retreating through the 44th Division and the whole area is in discharge topsy-turvydom. Both divisional commanders are dead, having been at the 163rd's headquarters when the hotel went up in flames…literally !"

He chuckled at that, just as he had chuckled soon after visiting the 44th Divisions terminal of supply motortruck parked in a relatively unguarded lager. Thirty minutes of heedful work delivered spectacular resultant, he had just finished crossing the lone bridge on the roadway when the entire yard of ammo and provision-laden trucks went up in a strand of fireballs from the minor dud he had liberally placed on their fuel tanks.

So corking was the chaos generated he was able-bodied to pass through the guard hut on his side of meat of the bridge and trigger the demolition charges the Russians had emplaced just that day incase the Finnish army pushed the Read Bear back across the river. As if that had not caused enough topsy-turvydom and scathe, a flight of Suomi Air Force planing machine swept his side of the river road, damaging and destroying over sixty vehicles and damaged countless others.

Getting back to Nikkei took some time, longer than he anticipated, but a few ‘ borrowed'motorbikes from a few now deceased couriers helped out.

"It appears the Ninth army Corps commandant for the Russians is coming in person to visit the reasonableness for the delays in ‘ conquering these decrepit lackey's of the Imperialist westward,"he laughed and shook his question at such gimcrack,"general Dashicev will be here in a few days and we have a fortune to ‘ greet'him in proper partisan style."Here he mimicked with his hand a pistol being fired off, the fastball delivered between the superior general eyes.

"Nikkei I found out there will be some ‘ especial visitor'coming through this expanse in the next brace of days,"Stephen said to her with a wicked grin."I found out the 163rd part has been ordered to retreat and the 44th division is sitting on its haunches per orders of the NKVD. It appears that General Dashicev, leader of the ninth Army corp of the Russians will be making a tour of the battlefront lines."

"How…how did you notice this out grandpa ?"Nikkei asked, incertain if her grandfather was pulling her leg or if he was telling the accuracy. She just sat there and shook her head in awe at his audacity as he explained all he had been up to while gone. Then he told her the news she never dreamed of listening, but confirmed by two shell hat he pulled out of his sac and tossed into her lap…

The hat which belonged to two now cash in one's chips Major-Generals.

"That one belonged to Major-General Bogdan, the one you missed a couple of weeks ago,"Stephen said to her with a teasing grinning."The other to Major-General Zelenfsev, I found both of them discussing a rather efficient mean value to counterstrike our army. They never paid attention to the fact a ‘ Russian army messenger'might hold it worth the time to take out the commanding officers of their various class when the opportunity presented itself."

He showed her the appeal of papers, programme and former information he had taken from the now demolish field headquarters."I got this stuff for our forces before my ‘ gift'to the Russians went off…"

"gramps, what…what did you do ?"she asked, unsure if she wanted to hear the tale. One thing she had come to know of her grandad is he had a fighting sprightliness that shone brave and on-key, and could be as unpitying as any murderer when case called for him to be. She wondered if in metre, and if she lived to see the end of the war, she will turn the same way…

"You remember the ‘ gift'I set for you to use back at the cabin ?"Stephen asked and grinned at the frown of pure Erinyes she gave to him,"Imagine a fuel hand truck parked within the garage connecting that old hotel, a fuel truck that had some reefer of dynamite added to see that the resulting surprise would be…spectacular."

"Now that the bridge circuit is destroyed, the generals gone, and most of the 44th partitioning provision are no more, our side will have a much sluttish meter disposing of them,"he clenched his fist and grinned while his moth-eaten eyes blazed with thoroughgoing madness and delight at the impending triumph for the Finnish military unit in the area.

"Do you need a Russian ground forces Corp general added to your killing or not ?"Stephen chuckled at the feral grin that grew on Nikkei's face."ripe, we will head up out soon enough, but first I have something to take care of…"

Nikkei watched him slay a low box-like bundle from the undersurface of his packsack and head for the threshold."gramps what are you doing ?"she asked, the care hearable in her voice and visible on her face.

"I'll be coming back shortly Nikkei,"he said and then became deadly serious,"emphatically this time postdate my orders, at the first sign of peril catch your geared wheel and flee as fast as you can. No leaving your skis behind or coming to find out me alright ?"He waited until she nodded,"You know the confluence places we discussed before, as I have said, if you have to flee nous for one of the six position. The zealot already know to sustain and eye out for you if our travelling turn for the worse."


police captain Robinson and his smattering of men moved with extreme aid as they swept the encounter spot for any signs of an ambush from Russian forces. His men on the flanks indicated with hand signals no one was in the area. His soft, disgusted condemnation seemed to echo across the wooded hills.

"Where in the world has Stephen gotten off to this time ?"Robinson declared. He nearly had a substance onrush as the audio of a pistol hammer being eased back into place filled his ears. The corporeal next to him who still had a duration of low temperature steel placed under his jaw did not move an inch.

"You're getting sloppy sea captain Ray Robinson,"Sir Leslie Stephen said as he pulled both pistols away from the men, sliding them back into their holsters."I've been shadowing all of your men for the last-place half time of day ; you did not even see the Russian patrol waiting for you just down the trail…"

"What patrol, we did not see any signaling of a patrol - ours or theirs ?"the corporal exclaimed in sheer scandalization at such a title being made.

Stephen pointed over his shoulder joint to where six Russian foot lay stagnant."Like I said, you and your men are getting sloppy. Now let's get down to business as quickly as we can. I paid a visit to the 163rd infantry Divisions headquarters and got these papers,"he tossed Ray Robinson a toilsome satchel bag filled with vital information,"before my giving to them went off."

"Somehow I should have known it was you behind that,"Captain Robinson said with a grin."We will get these to Suomussalimi and then to Army Headquarters."He handed the satchel to the corporal, turned to utter with Stephen and discovered he had disappeared back into the wood silent as a ghost.

"I hope this information is as vital as Stephen thinks it is,"Captain Edward G. Robinson said to himself.

He had no mind just how useful and vital it was to Field Marshal Mannheim, whom gave off a call of victory that shocked many of his subordinates…

18 December, 1939 England

In the halls of parliament men of power and confidence sat, or stood, around the long set back discussing outcome, ideas or examined the great wall-mounted map which dominated the room. At the insistence of a lone man, the only one who dared to chomp away on his trademark cigar, commenced to deliver their portions of the plan in business organization to the Finland-Soviet War and the surrounding Nordic nations.

Many of the senior high school Command, Ministers and Parliamentarians looked at the cigar-chomping man with shock absorber, surprise, disbelief and collar for one to purpose such an audacious strategy. They listened as he delivered his ground for the plan, why it will deliver the goods if implemented in time, and the greatest of gains towards thwarting Germany and its mighty war machine.

"valet de chambre,"Mr. Duke of Marlborough declared while he thumped his clenched fist on the table,"We must aid Finland with all the provision, arms and ammo, planes, army tank and troops we can while denying the governing of Federal Republic of Germany the most critical resource they need. Iron ore, the ore supplied to them by Sverige and shipped via Norway ; we will solve both job with one expedition…cut off the mines from FRG and have a vital route to move our relief strength on into Finland."

Winston Churchill concealed other, long range design currently unfolding in Germany that may clear an unexpected harvest in the weeks to come…especially one concerning Chancellor Hitler…

Many in the Senior mastery approved the initial outlay of the plan, and made a few recommendations here and there, seeking to refine it into a workable outline. Even flower pastor Chamberlain gave his reluctant approving after an extensive debate on international law and treatment of electroneutral and supreme lands.

Only one man dared to stand in oppositeness to the program, and even then only to adopt a ‘ devils counsel'stance.

Minister of War Hore-Belisha stood and rapped his fist on the table to hit everyone's attention."Distinguished gentlemen,"he began,"recall that we and France have been warned via the government of Switzerland that Germany will view any presence of Allied scout group within the borders of Norway or Sweden as an onset upon mainland Germany itself and lead in immediate retaliation."

"It appears there is an intimate agreement between Kingdom of Sweden and Germany ; for our agentive role and middleman are even now reporting that shipments of humble weaponry, machine triggerman and light cannon, plus important sum of money of ammo have even now crossed into the borders of Suomi from Sweden."Hore-Belisha emphasized each stage with a nip of one hand into the early."This appears to be done via Field marshal Hermann Goring, and with the sustenance of Chancellor of the Exchequer Hitler. If we interfere with an invasion of Kingdom of Norway and Sweden we will lay on the line sundering the chain of supply going to Finland…lose that and Communist Soviet Union will win by sheer weight of number."

Winston Churchill looked upon the Minister of War with eyes that blazed in righteous Fury. Standing, he slammed his clenched fist on the tabular array and locked gazes with his adversary."Understand this, the fate of Finland and of the rid populace are tied together as one ; here are my statement as to why the design must go forth…"

The debate raged long into the night and well into the adjacent dawn before the get together came to a close ; goose egg had been decided, to the disappointment of many.

18 December, 1939 Federal Republic of Germany

He sat behind his desk and paused, stunned by the word contained in the top hidden written report in his workforce. He read it three more prison term, examining each item and fact and assumption for the to the lowest degree sign of the zodiac of magic or of the facts being deliberately misconstrued or manipulated.

His aide stood by, having sensed something of majuscule implication is going on in the mind of his leader, and thus he will be here to see account made.

The man closed the report and laid it upon his desk, shocked by the order of magnitude of weakness to be found within his ‘ allies'of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. He looked at his aide and gave off a rapid-fire strand of orders and sat back in his hot seat as the immature maitre d'hotel ran off to accumulate the officers so indicated.

30 minute later Chancellor Adolph Der Fuhrer stood before his conglomerate faculty in the meeting room that adjoined his office. For over six hours the group meeting continued, with prime minister Hitler demanding hard result from each man, save for Marshal Hermann Goering, whom nodded at the unspoken question concerning the closed book supplies being sent to Republic of Finland via Sweden.

In due order a plan began to emerge for the opportunity that lay open before them, one which grew expectant with each hour Russia bled on the snowy athletic field, J. J. Hill, and forests."Gentlemen,"Der Fuhrer said,"We have a golden opportunity that history and luck gives to one people to change the human race every millennium ; the arms bought by Sweden will uphold without interruption, and we shall increase our gift of military intelligence to Finland."

Chancellor Hitler walked over to the large wall map and rapped his fist hard on the boundary line of Finland - Russia."That is where Russia and the communists will be bled white, and here,"he slammed his fist hard miserable on the map,"is what we shall do…"

The pile up men looked upon such a bold and unproblematic conception with peer measures of awe, shock absorber and hungriness, for indeed a golden opportunity - one filled with danger and uttermost risk true - had arrived to deliver an soul blow to their ancestral enemy.

"Chancellor of the Exchequer Hitler,"declared General-colonel Keitel,"with your approving we will set out to fix preparations."

Hitler nodded and then said to the departing officers and ministers,"This information changes all we have expected, the downfall of Russia is at hand once and for all…the death of a autocrat will soon occur."

As he turned to look out the window he never understood how prophetic those very speech happened to be…

20 December, 1939 rear-area of the Russian Ninth USA corporation

Nikkei paused as she and Stephen neared the top of the Hill and motioned for him to do the Sami. She strained to pick up the sound she heard a moment before and then grinned when it became clear, another Russian courier on a motorbike was making his rounds along the main road.

Stephen smiled and motioned to a spotlight halfway up the hill, a fissure in the rocks surrounded by ample bush and trees which made for a near-perfect snipers nest. He motioned to a large boulder surrounded by large trees where he will cover her as she took down the courier ; from long practice both reached their positions, shed their skis and had their various weapons - the Suomi KP sub-machinegun for him, the master-crafted rifle for Nikkei - readied for business.

A sudden wave from Nikkei told Sir Leslie Stephen something else was amiss, as she looked floor for the first time since the war began. When he looked through the vegetation and onto the main road he understood completely her shock…for an unusual convoy worked its way ever so slowly down the route long since churned to mud and junk due to the near invariant traffic and treads of the tanks.

Four motorbike guards led the way for the convoy followed by a lone, light-armored cooler, a stave car that was made for a high-ranking military ship's officer, possibly a field of honor marshall, visiting the front course. To the cover of the convoy, four more motorbike mounted guards completed the suite. If not for the bearing of that tank, no thing how small compared to its armored brethren, he would have had Nikkei engage the faculty car while he took down the motorbike mounted guards…

"If not for that blasted tank,"he pumped his fist in double-dyed foiling that such a great prize is getting away, only to see his mistake a moment later…


Nikkei lined her sights upon the two tumid, fuel-laden, highly-flammable, barrels of the igniter tankful. For once she was happy to feature a magazine publisher loaded with Sir Leslie Stephen ‘ special ammunition'for such an social occasion. She kept adjusting her aim to indemnify for the slow up front crawl overture of the armored beast, growing more raring with each second that Sir Leslie Stephen mulled over her taking the shot or for the two of them to withdraw.

From the corner of her eye she saw Sir Leslie Stephen pump his clenched fist, their agreed upon signal for her to start any trap they have established. One final adaption on her leading the storage tank, and a docile squeeze play of the trigger…

Bang !
charge !

Twice she worked the rifle bolt in her palm-guided, up-back, forward-down drag motion to reload for the next shot she would need. She paid the tank no more heed, swinging around to the staff car even then breaking and sliding across the iced and mud covered road…

Bang !

The staff gondola left-back tyre shredded from the bullets impact, the arsonist charge igniting the rubber material almost instantly. The occupants of the staff car leapt from the vehicle as the minibike safety device leapt to incubate one man in a black greatcoat…the gleam of the morning sunlight off of his rank lapels denoted him to be a straight dirty money, maybe the Russian full general her grandad spoke of arriving ahead of schedule.

She changed magazines, palmed the rifle bolt and chambered the first round of golf of regular ammunition she used. The auditory sensation of the Russians firing with pistols and sub-machineguns blindly into the surrounding soil did not induce her any alarm…


The armored combat vehicle firing a 76mm cannon round of drinks into the woods barely 50 meter downhill from her location did get her notice…

She rolled to one side of the sheltering stone as a second carom round slammed home closer than the lastly. Her ears pounded from the deafening interference, finger cymbals trauma and gut felt as if it had been reduced to dogsled. The steady tap - tapping of Stephen's Suomi sub-machinegun told the taradiddle of dead Russians and his effort to distract the tank…

gravy ! ! !

The military group of the bam bodily lifted Nikkei off the dry land like a rag doll. With capitulum still ringing like a blaring of church bells she half-moved, half-stumbled back to the cleft in the stone and gasped at the lot before her…the stave car and most of the motorbike had been reduced to twisted metallic element while the destruct armored combat vehicle poured forth a yowl pillar of flame in high spirits into the dayspring sky.

Sir Leslie Stephen moved from tree to corner, boulder to boulder, aiming his shots to pin down the Russians who sheltered behind the boulder. There, they are good from his fire for the time, but not from Nikkei…

quiver, she fought to steady enough to draw a bead on that of import Russian officer. No matter though, one guard or another kept his organic structure between him and her…until…


Stephen moved as a spectre across the terrain, steadily closing on the Russians place, determined to collect the Russian officeholder as due defrayment for his showing up in Suomi. Here was the chance of a lifetime, to look at down a full-fledged Russian general or field-marshal…or if he can be captured, the boon for the Finnish US Army will be…

Bang !

IV more shots followed in nimble taking over, and then came a strange calmness only parted by the continuous holla of the flame tank. He grinned at the preciseness piece of work of his granddaughter, moved carefully to the edge of the woods and prepared to cross the road. Stephen wondered what information that might benefit the Finnish Armed Forces awaited his discovery on that beat ship's officer's carcass…

The sudden arrival of two squadrons of Russian luminance poor boy and fighters which passed low and close over his positioning changed everything. There is no way they could experience missed the mass murder that had been inflicted on the pocket-sized but of import wagon train ; especially as the cooler still burned like a blowtorch with a tower of black sess clawing ever eminent into the sky.

He rapidly retreated back into the woods, and raced to Nikkei to help her get make for a quick, difficult and long march deeper into the woodland trail. Three Sir Thomas More Russian aircraft squadrons passed overhead, and he prayed that none of the pilots would count down and spot him or Nikkei…if they did there will be no escape.

Nikkei scrambled around the hillside, staying under the forest canopy for privateness. She watched the skies as the Russian sheet circled back around and wondered if they had seen her or her grandfather.

A short whistle caught her attention and she watched Stephen waving to her, repoint down a smaller slope lead that snaked among the woodwind, and pushed off with her poles, pressing to keep up with the hard pace he set for them.

They pushed onward fasting and tough to increase the length between them and the scupper site. Then came the clarion call of a score or more of aeroplane high overhead. At the edge of a large clearing they watched the grand aerial battle then being waged mellow in the skies ; a dance of dying between the Finnish and Russian Air force so far above the earth…

Contrails swept the clouded sky, here moving in a full-strength line, there they curved and spiraled until one or two at a time ended in clouds of black smoke. Outnumbered by eight to one the Suomi buffer pressed home each of their attacks, savaging the Russian organisation that sought to induce it past them, only to cascade out of the sky and into the merciless clench of the earth.

It ended in less than ten minute during which Stephen counted the Russians had lost seventeen hero and eleven Italian sandwich. From the trails of black smoke which departed to the Orient, at to the lowest degree twice that number of plane had been damaged ; he hoped every one of the Russians crashed on the way back to their bases. As for losses on the English of Finland, he could not separate one way or another.

Two hours later as the pair stopped to catch their breathing place, having covered nearly seven kilometre, Stephen gave Nikkei a impish grin and asked,"So my granddaughter, what shall we use to mark your taking of that tank ?"

"How about a squirrel grandpa ?"she replied. To her amazement he agreed, and when they set ingroup that night among some old wrecking he added five small foxes and one squirrel to her growing tally of kill recorded on the rifle.

"grandfather,"Nikkei said, and then hesitated, still shaken by the close vociferation with last at the hands of the tanks returned firing."Who would the Russians send to the strawman lines escorted by a tank, and so many motorbike passenger ?"

Stephen paused and rubbed his bridge player over his Kuki-Chin as he mulled the question over and over. Finally he reached the but logical conclusion that fit the evidence of such a wagon train moving with minimal guard."The only thing that makes common sense was either a new Divisional commander or possibly the commandant of the Russian ninth Army Corp, General Dashicev whom we have been hunting for. Either way we, or I should say, you, experience done much to disrupt the Russian U. S. Army in this area."

He scuffed up Nikkei's hair with his handwriting despite her best effort to fend him off,"Come now Nikkei we have to push on before we make campy. There is an old hunting lodge, or I should say what's left of one, where we will hole up and figure out what to suck up next."

"grandfather is there any chance I can get a bathtub ?"Nikkei asked, not expecting any form of proficient intelligence in the matter.

"The place originally had hot water piped in from the topical anaesthetic springs, and if I recall correctly the go time I checked they are still working. I'm not promising anything Nikkei, but if you want a hot bath I'll do what I can to ensure you get your hot bath for Christmas…"

Sir Leslie Stephen shook his head and moved to catch up with Nikkei, who raced on down the trail determined to have her hot bath."Never underestimation that girl…so much like me after all…still a grand old day, and one to a lesser extent major pain sensation of a Russian leader to be concerned with."

In a handful of daytime Stephen and Nikkei would fall upon who was in the lie in wait convoy. Yet the Sir Ernst Boris Chain of events unleashed by their efforts will lead longer to extend and shape not only the Winter War, but the living of tens of millions of people across Europe and beyond.

22 December, 1939 STAVKA home office, Moscow

Premier Stalin watched from the high balcony of STAVKA headquarters as the firing squads prepared for the next round of murder. Normally the sight of such bloodbath would quell his sadistic rages in second, but not this evening. No, this evening the line would flow in red streams across the kingdom. The incompetents who had allowed such ignominy and embarrassment to go down upon the USSR had to be expunged permanently for their crimes.

Stalin slammed his fist on the Harlan Fiske Stone railing repeatedly, angered beyond sensibility or ground. He had sent his parson of Defense, Marshal Voroshilov to unite with 9th Army army corps commanding officer General Dashicev and get to the bottom of the mussiness at the front line lines. The one-ninth army corp should have sliced Finland in one-half at the waist weeks ago, yet had not advanced Sir Thomas More than sixty kilometers across the molding, and if the news report are true, two elect infantry divisions had been destroyed by a bold and heady Finnish counterattack.

He watched as the reprobate men, the military unit who was to move with marshal Voroshilov to the front subscriber line, were brought to the paries five at a meter. The leader of the firing police squad executed each bid with well honed precision, his men fired on mastery with no hesitation and the next in argumentation to be shot had the honor of dragging their dead friends away before assuming their place at the wall.

The fate of Marshal Voroshilov and general Dashicev was made known to Joseph Stalin only an hour ago while he had his dinner. So hot was his rage he personally stormed his way to where the bodyguards of Marshal Voroshilov were barracked, entered their commander's office and summarily shot him dead for his crimes against the state.

hour after hour he stood on that balcony as the execution continued well into the dark. Once the conclusion man of the bodyguard whole was disposed of, the luck of those NKVD troop who failed to stop up the roadway followed.

Until the word of the Marshals death had arrived, few dared to gainsay his decision to invade Finland and to restore what terra firma rightfully belonged to Russia and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics alone. Even Kingdom of Sweden and Norge began to have their doubts about standing up against Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the side of Finland, until the world wire and radio inspection and repair had announced the death of Voroshilov.

Combined with another crushing triumph scored by the Finnish ground forces against the Russian forces fighting it out on the Isthmus, many earthly concern leaders now pledged to support Finland in any way possible. And now Germany, the ostensible ally of USSR, had begun to send out barbel to the Scandinavian governing to see if German ships bearing arms and supply for Finland would be permitted passing through their territory.

Once again Joseph Stalin seethed at the continuous betrayal heaped upon betrayal of the Earth Carry Amelia Moore Nation against the rise of the Russia, and of the domination of the world by Communist military force. They refuse to see and recognize the inevitability of his cause and crusade, to bring the world into a commie golden age no matter the price in rake and fire.

"No the war will continue on,"Joseph Stalin growled, his anger still stoked to degree beyond comprehension,"more men and armored combat vehicle will be sent, more planes dispatched and we will fight on until I have victory over the Finnish who dishonored me in 1921, or the hold up Russian autumn dead on the field."

Stalin never moved until the last captive were executed well into the following twenty-four hours dawning.

24 Dec, 1939 Finland Supreme bidding Headquarters

For the first fourth dimension since the war with Russia had commenced battlefield Marshal Mannheim allowed himself to make off a chuckle and a smiling at the bad trick one of his aides told. He returned to the maps and reports laid out on the table before him, listening to the unending delivery of memos, message, intelligence and so forth.

On the 22nd of December the Russian Seventh United States Army corporation threw itself at the Mannerheim defensive line, a total force of nine infantry part, three tank brigades and a light armor corps of armored car and degraded tanks. The soviet general had come up with a crafty plan, cross the ice-covered lakes where storage tank and armor vehicles could operate and pull long lines of infantry-bearing sleds ; other units would put on a simultaneous assault from the land and overwhelm the defenders.

A superb plan that would induce worked, spare for the Finnish sentinel and saboteurs operating in the Russian rear-areas who discovered the plan and troop movements…exactly as the news gathered by the ‘ ghostwriter Bear'had indicated.

Forewarned the front line of products commanders had engineers rig up a massive surprisal for the Russian violation - remote-detonated explosives combined with the utilization of their pre-registered overweight howitzers and the new punishing anti-tank shank ( which had arrived via Sweden ) that lined the fortified positions along the shoreline.

The Russian plan of attack began with a massive ten-hour artillery barrage followed by the 1st Wave of Russian flock surging across the ice. Explosives and artillery unit decimated the Russian military force, sending cooler and sleigh into the washy deepness below shattered ice. The armoured vehicle and tanks that did get hold of the survived this were crushed by the anti-tank guns and the foot who joined in the colored massacre of the lakes.

The land fight had been a much closer topic, long dozen hours of hellish combat that left over two-hundred burned out tanks and thou of Russian utterly stacked like cordwood. The Suomi armed effect had paid a affectionately damage for it, yet the newly deployed alien volunteers made the difference of opinion in amount and quality…some 25000 troops from Republic of Hungary, Italy, Kingdom of Sweden and Kingdom of Norway plus a sprinkle of other nationalities, Cuban sandwich each and every one !

field report card combined with tap transmitting broadcast in the clear from the Russian one-seventh Army Corp main office nearly matched. For all intensive purpose the Seventh Army had been destroyed in that one slap-up winner-take-all battle.

Then just after midnight on the 23rd the Russian resumed their offensive Frederick North of Lake Ladoga. Five infantry segmentation of the Russian Eighth United States Army Corps, with heavy armored combat vehicle and weapon support, assaulted the weak-appearing Suomi spatial relation with a great deal of exuberance and determination ; only to find out they had struck hard into a multi-layered, multi-supporting part of bunkers, gun, machine gun nests, minefields and anti-tank guns which shredded the Russians in lupus erythematosus than seven hours.

Again it was the foreign volunteers who helped make the difference of opinion, another 20,000 mix-bag of nationalities whose military skills and expertise allowed them to press as hard as his Finnish army troops ! Even the air battle went dramatically in their favor, with twenty-one Finnish Air Force woodworking plane downed for ninety-seven Russian. The dominate universal for the one-eighth Army very politely stayed in his field headquarters when a six barrage barrage of Suomi heavy gun landed on its position.

study Marshal Mannheim softly chuckled and looked at his gathered officer."Our scout troop, the foreign military volunteer forces, and the supplies of arms and ammo from Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Norway, Italian Republic and Republic of Hungary are making the departure ; how ironic that so a great deal of the death we bring down on the Russians has been supplied by their very own ‘ ally'Germany."

"plain Marshal,"one of Mannheim's aides quietly said and handed over a serial of substance forms for him. He read them quickly, one of them several times and looked to his intelligence information chief who nodded and grinned like a wildcat. He just stood there in shock, ineffectual to trust for a time that two zealot - the Ghost Bear and Snow Fox had doubled their previous takeover over the Russians.

"My God Above thank you for this great endowment you have given unto us all,"he said and bowed his foreland in a abbreviated supplicant of thanks and congratulations. The confirmation of reinforcing stimulus - reservists and foreign volunteers - to tighten up the Suomi defenders facing the one-ninth and Fourteenth armies was great news show, and now this gift on Xmas Eve truly was heaven sent.

Marshal Mannheim made a note to have those two enthusiast decorated if Finland managed to take hold on and win the ongoing war.

"man,"he called out, his voice instantly cutting through the cacophony of noise loud and distinct.

Once he had their attention he read the intercept message and after the hand clapping and cheering ran its form ordered it to be broadcast over national radios. The marshall shook his fist in triumph, knowing then and there the war with Russia had turned and turned for the better…he gave that some due consideration…

"passing play the word to all our front line telephone circuit military group as well, but indicate they are to be doubly wakeful at this tidings,"he said with all due seriousness,"The Russians will not forget nor forgive. We can bear them to hit even More strengthener and faster than ever to ensure our body politic is crushed once and for all."

"Understand this much gentleman,"he continued, his iron-hard gaze locking on every man and woman in bit,"our side has won many smashing victories and the good Lord has delivered the enemy leadership into our hands as well, but we have not won the war. Our greatest battles may well be ahead, thus I am ordering our forces who are facing the Ninth and Fourteenth Russian Army Corps to tighten their defenses so we can pin those effect in place."

"Gentlemen, I sense a expectant change is coming in the air, a storm keen than anything we have ever seen will hit and change the world."Mannheim grinned, never understanding the tempest would be one of blood, fire and steel coming down on their foeman in short order.

25 Dec, 1939 rear-area Russian Ninth Army corporation

Nikkei slid deeper into the steaming H2O and reveled in the intense heat and soft waves that lapped across her belly and knocker. She twirled her fingerbreadth in the pee, generating ripples that spread out and glistened in the soft lantern visible light ; such a simple giving she wanted for Christmastime, a hot bath, something she took for granted before the war began…before her populace turned upside down and slammed to the ground with unrelenting intensity.

For four mean solar day she and Stephen had been cooped up in the ruination of an old hunting lodge that actually had water piped in from a nearby hot spring. The low moaning of the rash reminded her of old wraith stories her father would severalise near the fireplace, shadows dancing on the paries as he moved about, often making animal fantasm with his helping hand in renditions of ‘ tool and the Wolf.'

One strong surge of wind that pounded on the room access blocked by an old lounge and desk, to prevent easy debut by anyone in the arena, reminded her that not everyone was enjoying such a bounty as she on the birthday of the Prince of Peace. Most of the old lodge lay exposed to the elements, but enough remained, such as the washup room she occupied, to allow decent shelter…once they dealt with the bear out of the place that had taken up residency.

As Nikkei reached for the rag and soap Stephen had thoughtfully laid out by the tub for her, she smiled at the fond memory board of bear-meat stew…although having to manhandle the fauna 300kg carcase outside so it did not stink up the quietus of the office hardly made it worth the endeavour. Her being able to take a hot bath and rid herself of days of grime and dirt made it worth the effort.

She gathered a rich lathering of soap on her manpower and the rag, and then slowly began to call off down her cheek, neck and coat of arms. The accumulated dirt and tensity built from the starting signal of the war eased away bit by bit, and she could relax for a time, spare of the cares and computer storage of the wider world.

On one breast she softly swirled the rag in sensuous circles that advanced unto her swell nipple. Sensations both old and new flowed into her mind, awakening desires she had never allowed herself to fully explore or to even babble out about with anyone. Her center closed and a sonant pant passed her undefended brim as a slight shiver played along her eubstance ; the heat of the urine accentuated the pleasurable undulation which flowed one upon another along the very fibre of her being.

Her free hand came to perch between her titty, and the fingers slowly snaked their way downward. Once there, they began to caress and tease and please a portion of her body that sent her unto the heavens with sensuous walking on air that she could only equate to the songs of the celestial consort. Nikkei sensed her heart beating faster and faster as her breath quickened, blood thundered and her physical structure came awake in a rainbow of sentiency that could not be described.

She pushed her finger's breadth into the depths of her womanhood as far as she could ; determined to pull out out each bit of pleasure possible. Of course she was still a Virgo the Virgin at the age of eighteen, unlike so many of her protagonist and other fill up kin…none had desired to be with her since she was found out to be unable to have tiddler, thus making her the scorn of the hamlet and a bad matrimony prospect.

The natural state, raw, primordial surge of flame and heat caught her off precaution as a thousand thousand of universes cascaded before her, infinite probabilities of what may be and could be, and then collapsed back into the here and now as she screamed her pleasure to the world when her button hit.

Her manpower covered her mouth as she blushed deeper than ever before in her life, wondering if anyone had heard the noise…and blushed even cryptical as Stephen burst through the doorway with a drawn handgun, lost his terms on the slick trading floor and tumbled boldness first into the tub with Nikkei.

He pulled himself out of the tub and shook his read/write head like an old sheep dog, sending a shower of pee across the elbow room."I'm soaked,"he moaned while looking at his drenched vesture, shook his head and hoped enough firewood remained to dry them by the fireplace - though they would sense like wood fume for days."bettor they smell of wood fastball than that of an old and wet sheep dog like me…"

"Grandpa, are you alright ?"Nikkei asked as she leaned over the edge of the bath. When Stephen looked at her with an abashed grin she gasped, clutched her implements of war over her bar heart and slid trench into the Waters while a hot blush surged bass and red across her already even cheeks. All she wanted to do was unthaw away and disappear ; her mind tore in different directions, desires playing a grand melodic phrase at once while she fought to tame the confusion.

On the engagement battleground sniping at the enemy she has mastered her emotions to a ticket degree ; but in the matters of the affection, she has never encountered such as she faced now. She lowered her head but could not tear her eyes away from him as he pulled off his shirt and rack the water of it…the iron-hard muscles of his lithe form, crossed with a roadmap of scars acquired over a lifespan of hardship and engagement, flexed with each winding made upon his shirt.

He whipped the shirt a few times to get any remaining droplets free and grinned at Nikkei."Sorry Nikkei I had thought that a bear or a Russian had gotten into the bathing way and I got careless again…"

Nikkei was ineffective to conceive her capitulum, for her grandpa never apologized for anything."granddad you didn't foul up or get careless I just…well, I was doing something and…"

"fountainhead my granddaughter I have to acknowledge,"Stephen said while softly chuckling,"that is one way to ask a man to connect you in the tub, though I'm not indisputable both of us would fit. Although I could try if you insist…"

He laughed at the cute piddling squealing sounds given off by Nikkei at his hypnotism. Though as he left the room to change and dry his cloths, the light that danced in her eyes spoke book to his experienced heart and mind.


Tap - tap - tap !

Sir Leslie Stephen pulled the small slug away from Nikkei's rifle and examined the latest little fox-marker added to the wooden stock. Feeling the suaveness of the indentation he coated the exposed Sir Henry Wood with an gold hued stain, when dry it will glisten with a honey-gold texture as any lighter played across it.

"One more of so many foxes added, I had taught my granddaughter to hunt down for deer, boar and bear."Sir Leslie Stephen gave off a deep, revolt sigh at the breaking wind of portion and ill-fortune."Instead she has become a Orion of Russians who have raped our mother country and slip her future. All those years ago when her family adopted her…."

His judgement drifted into remembering of his lost family all those years ago when they had adopted Nikkei after she had been orphaned. No one knew where she had come from, even the regime failed to bump the parents of the lilliputian little girl found wandering alone in the woods, her clothing covered in blood…

A miss of dependable mysteries who had grown into a fine untried woman ; one that he wished he could throw given a life of peace to instead of the cursed war the Russians had forced upon all of them.

In the background the static-filled programme of Suomi and Scandinavian radio receiver stations declared their vacation wishes and greetings, and then beam the usual updates of the war.

"To all of our members of Finland's armed forces engaged in the desperate battles to protect our homeland from the barbarians of the Soviet wedlock. I and all of our people thank you for the allegiance and forfeiture of so a lot you have give for us, and may on this day when we celebrate the parentage of the Prince of Peace each of you find relief from this dateless suffering inflicted by the Russians.."

Stephen half-listened to the radio receiver static filled program. He heard the particular given of the great battle fought on the isthmus and near Lake Ladoga on the 22nd and 23rd ; the Russian Seventh and Eighth Army Corps had been stopped, shattered and scattered before stubborn Finnish resistance"assisted by volunteer who support our cause for freedom and self-determination as a democracy against the tyrannical might of Communist Russia."

"We wish to confirm that in the last week the Russian Armies shock military group of the Russian ninth U. S. Army corps has suffered extremum setbacks due to our nation's army, air force and zealot alive behind the enemy lines. It has been confirmed that the one-ninth Army has lost their commander, one full general Dashicev along with the Minister of Defense for the Soviet join, Marshall Voroshilov who had come to the front man business to see first-hand what had caused the one-ninth US Army to be held up in the field."

Sir Leslie Stephen turned his full tending to the radio…

"My mate Fin's our beloved solders and nationals fighting behind the billet have demonstrated garish and authorize to the world why the Ninth Army, along with all early Russian United States Army army corps, has failed to crush our nation. In the destruction of the defense mechanism Minister Soviet Russia has learned the moral we will never cede and never concede to their military group of enslavement. And so with each date we undertake against the Russian encroacher, we bleed them and bleed them more, until the day will derive in the near futurity when they will include defeat and seek to make a just and honorable peace."

"May the time soon come when we can assure in fully the actions of the two known as the Snow Fox and the touch Bear ; may God maintain them safety and wield them as instruments of justness against our ancient foe from the barbarian lands of Russia."

Stephen whistled,"So that is whom Nikkei took down after the tank exploded ?"

He imagined how Nikkei would dance around like an ale-drunken bee after audience of the prize she had bagged. The dying of General Dashicev was receive news, and showed his guess as to who occupied the staff car in the caravan they had ambushed. Yet the last of Marshall Voroshilov, Russian government minister of Defense, truly marked the enceinte prize any enthusiast sniper could trust to grade light of Premier Stalin.

He gently cleaned the rifle with an old rag, gently removing the to the lowest degree vestige of shit, detritus or oil his work may bear left upon it."I made this for my pricey Nikkei to hunt deer and bear with, and now she ahs been forced by this war to suit a hunter of men. I wish her parents could see her now…"

He fought back the tear that threatened to come as his affectionateness lodged in his throat. His children and grandchildren, plus all his champion there save for Nikkei are all gone. His madness at the Russians redoubled in an instant.

"Tomorrow I have to go and ‘ see what is going on'again ; hopefully this metre Nikkei will not assert on coming along with me."He looked at the small pile of provision that had been cached away in the basement of the old hunt lodge. While Nikkei had been taking her bath he had gone down and brought the food, cloth, ammo and other sundry commodity the two needed as they hunted Russians.

Also, as he had hoped, the two small sleds he had stored among other goods in the cache remained intact and untaken. At least he and Nikkei could take more goods on them than they can just upon their back. Plus he had new electric battery for his small receiving set a Quaker had built a few year ago…

That little transmitter has proven to be a true wonderment. Incredibly diminished, lightweight and reliable, he can use it to relay or receive vocalism and Morse-code signals. His old champion in the United States who made it was a generation ahead of his prison term, and a simple attachment allowed it to be powered by a hand-cranked generator-system.

When the tensions between Russia and Finland had begun to increase, he and his dude moon-curser plus some of the tangency they had within the build up forces began to plan and prepare. Thus a relay-chain of a sort exists to evanesce information and instructions along to those who needed it ; they always are sent in brief contagion of Morse-code to annul counterpunch detection by the Russians.

Other information, orders and the the like are broadcast five metre daily by the government over the populace radio set program. No matter how much the Russians may try, only the leaders of the zealot in specific sphere behind the descent possessed the necessary codes to see them.

"All for the undecomposed then,"Sir Leslie Stephen softly said to himself."It's retiring time we bleed these Russians as badly as we can and prevent any more chaos falling upon our heads…"

He stopped mumbling at the sound of Nikkei's ghostly footsteps mixed with the greaves of the fire in the fireplace. His gaze moved to his article of clothing hung over the backbone of two old hot seat near the fireplace, the heating slowly drying them out after that dip in the tub.

Returning to the rifle, he observed that each part has been lovingly cared for by Nikkei. Stephen nodded his favourable reception, delighted that she had remembered all he could teach her of such issue.

Wrapped in a thick cotton wool robe, Nikkei sat before the flaming and go on towel her hair dry.

Sir Leslie Stephen looked up at her, the light from the fire caressing her in a swirling dance of twinkle and phantom. He saw her chewing on her glower lip, obviously troubled by something, or more likely what had happened between them in the washup room.

"Nikkei what's bothering you my near ?"Stephen said and laid the rifle down on its white-furred scabbard."I can tell you are worried or trouble, so delight tell me and if I have wronged you somehow…"

He scooted side by side to her and looked into her tear-filled center as she turned her gaze unto his.

She opened her robe to expose her bared abdomen, thigh and breasts for him to see, hoping that he will not wrench away from her unverbalized interrogation. One mitt came to rest on his flushed nerve, the heating system flowing into her hand as she began to fondle his iron-hard, weatherworn, scarred skin in such a gentle way that it twitched with each soft and delicate stroke.

"Nikkei I did not think to offend you earlier…"Stephen's speech ended when she gently touched a fingertip to his lips. She pulled her hand away and shed the robe from her physical structure, then leaned onto her hip, sweeping her legs back behind her at the articulatio genus and propped herself up on one arm. With the other she took his hand into her and entwined their fingers.

Stephen's eyes drank in every sensuous and soft curvature of her body, the fullness of her yellow-brown fuzz, sonant blue eyes full of life and botheration mixed in be measure, the unshakable rise and fall of her bared tit. As his regard descended to her most intimate of treasures she shifted her leg enough for him to see her stop muliebrity and the slim flicker of moisture already gathered there on her skin and surrounding hair.

"Nikkei what are you…I mean…"for one of the few times in his liveliness, Sir Leslie Stephen found himself at a loss for give-and-take as his nous flared to ashen callosity. He could not believe this is actually happening and with his dearest and only surviving granddaughter…

"grandpa I want this to be my natural endowment to you,"she said to him. He could hear the passion and affection in her voice for him, something that had been there for years and only now did he understand in full…his adopted Nikkei had fallen in love with him long ago and now sought to strike their sexual relation to the following level.

"I have forgotten since the war began what it meant to be alive and unfreeze of vexation and ire,"she said, her heart releasing a lone teardrop down her cheek."I want to be your award granddad for tonight, to remind us both what life history means ; I don't expect to make it through this war, so much decease has already come close…and with that armoured combat vehicle firing at me…"she shuddered at the store of how close she had brushed with Death that day.

She moved to Stephen and sat down on his lap with her legs crossing behind his spinal column. Her one hand brought his to rest on her knocker ; the simple mite of his skin on hers sent a thrill and thrill blazing across her being. When he began to fondle her knocker, teasing more and Sir Thomas More fervent waves of delight from her body, she leaned into him and all but melted away as the diffused snowfall does before the flame of a fire.

He kissed her impudence and softly blew puffs of his heat breathing space on her neck. Stroking her hair he looked once again into her eyes and seen the beloved and nervousness playing against one another."Are you sure this is what you want Nikkei ? You only have one beginning time in such matters and I want you to be absolutely sure…"

The fierce bosom and fiery candy kiss she gave him answered all his questions.

So it was that they entered the oldest of Sung, and fulfilled the oldest dance of all, two fondness and two consistency coming together in one ; the yell of passion and primal release echoed throughout the old ruins until Stephen released his life germ into Nikkei, and then collapsed from the exertion. The two cuddled and caressed one another while sharing loving smile and whispering word meant for them alone.

An hour later as Nikkei contently slept away, her patrician snoring merging with the crackling flames, Stephen gave her a grin and softly kissed her on the buttock before laying down for his own rest. He made for sure though that his shooting iron and hunting knife were within easy grabbing distance if they were needed.

28 December, 1939 Suomussalimi, Finland

Colonel Siilasvuo returned the couriers salute and dismissed him with a chance wave of his hand.

Two daytime ago he had been alerted to of import program line that will arrive at his home base ; and given the current weather that raged just outside the hotels thick stone wall, it had to be something between extremely urgent and insane for a messenger to be risked in temperatures, snow and nothingness that were the pip in memorialize history.

Since him and the 27th infantry Regiment, now reinforced by three additional regiments of reservists and foreign military volunteer, he had waged relentless guerrilla warfare to bleed the Russian ninth Army corp Patrick White and hold them to this realm when from all score they could have been used on the Isthmus during the utmost Russian assault.

However the Russians had dug in deep and still managed to keep him from mounting a successful strike across the river. He could fend for and not attack, and the same for them…a frustration that grew all the more with each pass day. Even his raiding company had met with minimal winner, save for sniping at the Russians who hid in their fortified positions.

Only Captain Robinson and his men, aided by the partisans led by the old colonel Sir Leslie Stephen and his auxiliary called"nose candy Fox"have scored massive success upon winner upon achiever. When he considered the report of the old colonel, commonly known as the"Ghost Bear'in the terminal great war, it is little wonder the man leads and coordinates the partisans to such a criminal record, even as he and the C Fox carry out their own two-person movement upon the hat Russians.

He opened the packet and withdrew out the bundle of written document and photographs, and whistled when he gave the top page - parliamentary law from field of force marshal Mannerheim himself - a cursory glance. They explained in brief and concise item that major reinforcer were expected to be arriving inside two calendar week for the Russian Ninth Army Corp…

Colonel Siilasvuo raged, cursed and complained as he stormed out of the old hotel which housed his field home office. He shouted above the howling wind for his senior officer to gather around him as he woke his device driver to take him down riverside…he had been forbidden from launching anything stronger than maraud across the river to slice apart the remaining strength of the ninth Army while clip remained. So he had chosen to inspect the forward defenses and ensure the Russians received a warm welcome when they struck.

As expected, the Defense Department were unattackable and growing stronger with each departure day ; with log and stone bunkers living accommodations motorcar throttle, anti-tank shank and fighting spot for infantry. Other positions inside the town had already been made ready…when the Russians struck the river and coke would be red with their blood.

28 Dec, 1939 Berlin, Germany

"Ah yes, I will take this one here,"admiral Donitz said as he looked over the beautiful gold-chain necklace set with alright diamonds. He held it in both hands and admired the fiery bursts which came out as the light played across each gem. The jewelry maker had promised the gift would be crafted to flawlessness, and so he had achieved yet again with the gift for his dear wife.

"Klaus what do you retrieve of it ?"Donitz asked of his bodyguard and driver. He moved around to front the man so he could see the wonderful magic wrought by Karl, his personal jeweler and one of the few men he called a true master copy of that trade.

"admiral, as always Mr. Karl has outdone himself, you have chosen the natural endowment well for Mrs. Donitz and she will probably be pleased beyond quantity at your giving of affection for her."Major Klaus, polite as ever turned back to watching the store and all of the citizenry within it, plus those who paused even for a moment to look through the storefronts windows. His hand never strayed far from the travelling bag of his pistol.

The sound of sirens caused everyone to turn and view the street as the motorcade of chancellor Hitler began to pass by. Donitz looked at his watch and smiled,"Punctual as always, I noticed some work was being done on his fomite last nighttime as I left the position. Did you remember to have that looked into Klaus ?"

"Yes sir, I had it checked out by naval security system, and the Gestapo major in charge of security system ensured me when I appeared in person that ‘ a small problem had arisen and was even now being fixed.'Most strange accent though for the man,"Major Klaus never finished his sentence.

admiral Donitz expression changed from delight to shock and then abject horror as the Chancellor of the Exchequer car came into sight, and disappeared in a earsplitting explosion that tore the fomite asunder. Major Klaus took the brunt of the shockwave which blew out the storefront, killing him instantly along with Karl…

Donitz coughed, choked and gasped for air amidst the roiling swarm of dust and sess. He made his way out to the street where many vehicles burned, and all too many people lay on the ground in pocket billiards of red. One face at the twisted, burning remains of the prime minister car told him there would be, could not be, any survivors ; but he rushed over to see if against all odds his res publica drawing card had somehow survived.

The military machine accompaniment swarmed the area to gain control as fast as potential ; one officer threatened Admiral Donitz until he showed his armed forces written document and then took ascendency over the scene. All too swiftly the the true was confirmed when the fires of the Chancellors car were extinguished at long last.

Chancellor Der Fuhrer was deadened, assassinated by a bomb placed within the car that had detonated the petrol tank.

"So it has been accomplished,"full admiral Donitz said, sad and shaking his head in unbelief, a wonderful act for the saki of appearances to the lot. His personal agents, ones loyal to him and him alone, had penetrated the meshing of Russian undercover agent and agentive role that existed in Berlin…and he knew who controlled them as well…

He never expected their programme to shape. Now that it had, his Allies in the German governing would ensure his chronological succession to the Chancellorship and, as promised for the support of Goering and his camarilla, would dispense with Russia once and for all…of course he still had to make a ‘ phone song'to the mastermind behind this mad plot of land to check his own survival.

30 December, 1939 Moscow, Russian Federation

Everyone in the way jumped at the single gunshot that seemed to growl and take a hop about the meeting room for the High bid of the Russian Armed violence. Quickly they resumed their posture of total attending, each expecting to be the side by side one personally gunned down by the man at the head of the table…

"Comrades I believe my point has been duly made,"premier Stalin calmly stated as he holstered his handgun. He gave a nod and two NKVD guards rushed over and dragged the body of superior general Voroshilov, who of later had been recalled to capital of the Russian Federation for ‘ common soldier consultations regarding the war.'

"I will tolerate no more failures in the matter of this war with Finland,"he growled,"each day our nation loses yet more influence, esteem and view around the populace. I have since the break offensive of 22-23 Dec given order of magnitude for massive reinforcer to deploy in the areas of the Seventh and eighth ground forces Corps, we have peace with the High German and thus our straw man with them is now reduced to second and thirdly rank units ; the elite group power being redeployed will be in place by the end of January, when the final noisome shall begin."

"The ninth Army Corp shall carry limited offensives ; they have consistently failed and thus will not be of any more major usage."He smashed his fist onto the table many times to accentuate his tip.

Stalin went on for some prison term berating the world for all manner of perceived slights and plots being carried out against him and the Soviet Union. His craze grew to such superlative and depth that many of the men gathered feared he would either die of a stroke ; or have everyone shot down on the spot by the sub-machinegun wielding NKVD bodyguard who circled behind each man like a observation and waiting vulture.

From one side an policeman appeared, delivered various substance forms to Stalin and then bolted for his life after being dismissed with a casual waving. As he scanned them his mood swung from madness to outright joy back to a simmering, stewing rage that promised decease to individual before the night passed.

"Gentlemen,"Stalin declared with a pressure calm and smile while holding up the tierce message configuration in one paw,"as I stated, we have peace with Federal Republic of Germany and now it is guaranteed for some sentence to come. Our agentive role in the High German High Command have confirmed the news being broadcast over the radio."

He paused and grinned,"Hitler is all in. individual managed to place an explosive device inside of his armored car, and needless to say the mass murder wrought was phenomenal. Admiral Donitz has been sworn in as the new Chancellor of Deutschland and thus will ask many months to fully dispose of his rivals and gain full ascendance over his Carry Amelia Moore Nation's governance."

The staff officers and government minister shouted and cheered at the news of Hitler's death, and gave off cry for the long life of Premier Stalin, the Soviet Union and the inevitable domination of the world by Communism. By almost universal proposition spontaneity they began to sing the interior song of USSR, their inscription and opinion in their cause having been reconfirmed by the creation at large.

Wisely Stalin withheld the two other content that arrived at the like time. They detailed the movements of full general Timoshenko and Shaposhnikov, the newly appointed co-commanders of the Finland front. During the flight of stairs to headquarters near a batten down drome the planer carrying them, escorted by twelve fighter aircraft, was jumped by a magnanimous act of Suomi fighters.

Every one of the Russian pilots fought until their carpenter's plane went down in flames. Despite their scoop travail, the planer carrying both generals had been shot down as well with no subsister. Once again the leadership of his armed force-out had disappointed him, and the reports of flagging morale among the foot along with some units on the boundary of mutiny confirmed the officer were deliberately failing, seeking cause to boot out him once and for all from power.

Something inside of Stalin snapped, his cult breaking out in volcanic proportions.

None of the gleeful officeholder before him knew what hit them when with a nod Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili had his bodyguards cut them down to the end. He summoned his personal aide and demanded a prepared written document, which once he signed with a few casual strokes of his pen, was sent to the NKVD communication commissar and dispatched.

Within forty-eight hours the blood Bath had finished, completely decimating the Russian armed forces in high spirits bid and replacing all officers of major or higher rank and file with Political commissars. He gave new orderliness to all of the Russian armed military group ; any suggestion of disloyalty or lack of right Communist spirit will result in that man's entire platoon or company being summarily executed en mass.

Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili never understood just how deadly he had misjudged the unfolding mountain chain of events his madness and lecherousness for stemma would unleash in shortly order…

30 December, 1939 Germany, OKH High Command

full admiral Donitz, newly sworn in prime minister of Federal Republic of Germany and all of her hoi polloi looked out the window of his post and the pristine snowfall from the latest storm. Just over twenty-four hours ago Chancellor Hitler had been assassinated by a bomb planted inside of his panoplied faculty car ; in curt order the Gestapo had discovered and captured a work party of Russian spy and agentive role who caused Hitler's death.

Their instruction execution warrants were the first matter taken precaution of by Donitz after taking the oath of office. Now he had a monumental pick to reach, one discussed long into the night by him and the high gear Command. He had been aware of program being drafted, on Hitler's club, for an encroachment of Russia…he wondered if Hitler had been cognisant of his pending dying, not that it mattered now.

Hitler's death at the bridge player of suspect Russian agents, proven or not, gave them the legal and moral justice for the intrusion to fare. The major public loss leader, even those of Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault and United Kingdom, had been contacted via direct or third-party beam overseas telegram of the programme to sell with Russia and Stalin for their treachery in assassinating the German Chancellor.

Many had responded with the usual condolence and various degrees of admonition of Russia.

From France, the Daladier government response was confused, drawn and uncommitted one way or another. That came as no surprise to Donitz, having anticipated such from the twinkling the cable television were sent out.

What did jounce him was that from England, or more precisely the two cable television received from England. One from the fantan condemning Russian Federation and urging peace talk of the town are held between Russia and Germany to settle this subject ; the latter, and thus the most important as far as Donitz was concerned came directly from Churchill…

To the Chancellor of Germany, full admiral Donitz,

In vexation to the issue of Russian Federation and their demonstrated atrocity to the proper behavior of sexual intercourse between government I say this much. So long as Marshal Goering continues to supply arms to Finland via Sweden and no interference with our own arms dispatch to Suomi comes about, we wish you God speed and decisive victory over the godless Russian government of Stalin.

"valet de chambre,"Chancellor Donitz began as he turned to front the gathered high Command,"most of our violence are in plaza already since the invasion of Polska and we have managed to secretly increase our military force there by a turgid grade. Have all of you discussed and familiarized yourself with the architectural plan and overall finish ?"

Each ship's officer in turn affirmed his character and detailed any cobbler's last minute concerns, details and so onward. Satisfied that all is in berth Donitz sat behind his desk and signed the orders laid out before him…

"valet"he said,"operation Wotan, the invasion and destruction of the Soviet Union, will set out at 12:01 a.m. on 10 January, 1940. Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili has inflicted pain and descent upon us, and now we will pay him and his people back a million fold."

Stalin sewed the wind with the germ of war in Finland, and now he will reap the harvest time of steel and blood and fire born of the whirlwind coming back upon him.

30 December, 1939 England, unknown locating

"Thank you for the call,"Churchill said into the speech sound,"it had been most unexpected but delicious none the less and I wish you victory in your effort against Russia."

He hung up the phone and sighed at the chain of mountains of events now coming forth to fruition. The Russian-Finnish war promised to shed blood Russian Federation white as Finland continued to defy commons signified, logic and feeling in their consistent crushing of one Russian USA Corp after another in horrendous engagement around their nation.

Even he had listened to the growing tales told on the radio of such heroes as the Snow hellion, spook Bear and the snowfall Fox. someone who had managed to bring down flock carnage at key multiplication and placement on the Russians, and both co-commanders for the Suomi straw man perished with intelligence given to the Republic of Finland Air strength from Britain.

Of course of instruction, the assassination of Adolf Hitler carried out by disloyal German who assumed the British agentive role who controlled them were actually Russian, had yielded a typesetter's case to save the horse opera world. Russia and FRG will bleed each early white, and by the meter they deal with one another, United Kingdom and Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault will be ready to face the German U. S. Army who will come at them.

As a historiographer Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill understood all-too-well what forces of destruction and destruction he has unleashed, but for the sake of a barren future and saving ten of 1000000 of lives, he chose the lesser of two evils set before him.

One other thing caused him no end of vexation ; the bare fact of Admiral Donitz being able to position a lineal call to Churchill's ‘ underground'location meant the man had agent all over England. federal agent that for some reason he used for his own mysterious purposes and never shared with his swain Germans.

Churchill shook his top dog, mentally replaying the conversation word by Word he had with the new Chancellor of Germany. He examined each nuance, mannerism and inflection for the slim edge it may give him in any future transaction with Admiral Donitz. The sheer ability, temerity, and slyness of the man were incredible to hear and witness as he described to Churchill dates, times, station and conversations of English penetration agent and spy who had manipulated the Russian agents into assassinating Hitler…

Donitz had shielded the English agentive role from his colleges in the Gestapo, and delivered to the English embassy in Switzerland for repatriation. Winston S. Churchill folded his hands together and tapped his fingertips one upon another as he tried to decrypt this complex enigma enshrouded within a riddle that represented Donitz…no matter what ; Donitz had proven to be an antagonist worth watching very, very closely.

8 January, 1940 rear-area Russian Ninth Army corps

Commissar General Kolya stood on the mansion front porch and watched the first star of the Night emerge in the clear sky. It reminded him of the small farming village he had grown up in, and many others he had been based near or within since the Revolution and subsequent laterality of the Communist party.

Of course this particular Finnish community of interests, once called summertime Mist, had been exterminated in the first hour of the war. These people had refused to see the inevitable, that their government had been corrupted and taken over by the Imperialists of the west and thus they had paid for the perfidy of the Finland government who refused to comply with the rightful requirement of Moscow.

"Unbelievable, in the centre of this war we have such a admiration as the Night to see,"he stated to the aide-de-camp and to political commissar Major-Generals Romanov and Cranston, commanders of the 51st and 58th infantry variance."Now then, I have architectural plan set out for dealing with these troublesome partisans once and for all…."


From a wooded pitcher's mound that looked down on the remains of Summers Mist Sir Leslie Stephen watched with great interest the cluster of tents and vehicle which marked the Corps home office social unit. The collection of officers standing out in the low temperature told him loud and top that they were senior Russian commanders ; ones that would pick up a final and very lethal lesson.

He and Nikkei had learned of the home office new positioning from one of many minibike riding couriers they had disposed of since Christmas. Her rage at the bare cerebration of Russians standing amidst her old home only was surpassed by his own, and tempered by the chance to score one Sir Thomas More major victory over the encroacher.

The Finnish radio Stations conducted their regular updates of the war, now reduced to a range of violent skirmishes on the front end lines and aeriform battle between the Finland and Russian air military group. The messages sent to partisan units behind the lines confirmed this, plus directed them to walk out as hard as they can when opportunity presented itself.

He looked over at Nikkei's position to his right and slightly up the hillside. Concealed among a clustering of tilt, Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, bush and a bamboozle cloak set up as a hunters blind he could barely make out her outline as she lay as low to the ground as possible. With a gesture he informed her to shoot when the best opportunity presented itself.

Stephen returned to watching the camp with his binoculars, noting a rumbling band of truck passing behind the commander'tent…


political commissar full general Kolya turned to front the obtuse convoy of trucks that snaked its way up the road and passed his tent. One stripe of NKVD staff office riding in the rachis of a truck saluted as they passed, as did the next and the next after that. His core surged in pride at this grand presentation of proper political spirit and commitment to the state which he will use to inspire and terrify the Russian infantry into right shape.

On his desk sat a pile of reports that many unit of measurement in his bid were in most mutiny, having refused to abide by with lawfully given orders by their new NKVD officers. All of the old military officer had been, as per Joseph Stalin's orders, been executed ; though Kolya included all of the officers and not spared the police lieutenant and senior pilot as Stalin had done.

Two twenty-four hour period ago he had assumed mastery of the one-ninth Army Corp and now he has to deal with this revolt ; and if news report are true, it is spreading like wildfire in a drought stricken forest through the Russian Army…especially with units being sent to reward the Finnish Front.

He turned to the two divisional air force officer and waved at the passing trucks,"Gentlemen these are the true heart and soulfulness of the state ; you will whip the men of your new unit of measurement into configuration and then we shall deal with the partisans…"

He cringed as one passing truck repeatedly backfired.


Nikkei watched in her rifles scope the officer who strutted around like a lofty old rooster about to be sent to the kitchen for a holiday feast. A man who thought himself to be a genius or leader of men, and instead he is just one more rooster - fat, proud, arrogant and filled with his own self-worth…and about to pay the Mary Leontyne Price for that utmost hubris…

She squeezed the trigger…

smash !


political commissar Major-Generals Romanov and Cranston watched in slack-jawed repulsion as their commanding officer toppled forward as a puppet cut free of its strand. The headquarters guard, gathered officer and staff looked at the crimson stain that flowed from beneath the fallen man across the white coke ; for an eternity of prison term they could not coerce their bodies to move, horrified at having expiry visit them so far behind the social movement lines…

An eternity that lasted all too long when they were in the flock of the shooter…


Up-back, forward-down went the rifle dash as Nikkei chambered a new beat. She aligned the crosshairs on the following ship's officer, one among many, who stood around in frozen terror…

Bang !
Bang !

Twice more her rifle barked, the noise covered by the incessant backfiring of the truck. As per Stephens design she immediately backed from her position, pulled down the snow cloak and worked her way down the hillside with him. interior ten minutes they were skiing hard and fasting to vacate the area.


Colonel Idenorph, NKVD commander of the headquarters guard watched the three generals fall one after the next. He called out warning of a sniper and looked in the direction of the backfiring truck which had a man who held his shooting iron in the direction of the fallen generals.

"There in the motortruck, the gunner is in the truck,"he bellowed out to his assembling men."Shoot them down, all of them…"

Instantly the twenty men who had assembled by this time leveled their sub-machineguns and opened fire, tearing the truck, device driver and NKVD safety to smidgeon. A grenade was lobbed into the open tush and reduced the vehicle to twisted metallic element and a roaring fire that marked the grave of two mark of DoS security personnel.

A gunshot to his right dropped one of his men to the ground, mortally wounded. He turned to see NKVD parade jumping down from the hand truck that followed and assumed a coup was underway by traitors to the state of matter."Cut them all down, everyone of the traitors…"

His net bid ended in a gurgle and spray of lineage as a burst of hummer tore his pectus open.

Pandemonium reigned as factions of NKVD troops tore into one another, leaving sexual conquest beat and many more maimed upon the snowy ruins of Summer Mist. This chaos only escalated when Captain Edward Goldenberg Robinson and his men stumbled onto the scene, already prepared to bust the headquarters, and swept the lieu clean and jerk of any survivors.

After destroying anything they could not persuade off they departed as silently as touch and reported to the Finland High Command another success for the ‘ Ghost Bear'and the ‘ Snow Fox,'who initiated the pocket-size civil war at the headquarters.


Four hours and several kilometers later, Sir Leslie Stephen hugged Nikkei and scuffed her haircloth in extolment. They set off for the next hidden memory cache and protection from which they will plan the side by side strikes against the Russians.

"Grandpa what do you recollect all that gunfire was about after we left ?"Nikkei asked of Stephen.

"I imagine the Russians were killing one another off,"Stephen shrugged and grinned,"or a clustering of our soldiers arrived in prison term to take advantage of the chaos you created and exterminated the entire headquarters and that convoy of truck. come Nikkei we have to continue a lot of ground tonight and I want to get going while we have the moonshine to pass us…"

With that they moved off as silent as demise amidst the deeply woods.

9 January, 1940 STAVKA headquarters, Russia

The conspirators gathered for the final metre, knowing they are committed no affair the outcome. One by one each went over his part of the plan, the role of his troops or government department, and the tight timeline they had to conserve to the instant once everything began.

One small hurly burly in the plan, one slipup of any variety and it will be all over. But the stakes of their loser would be the destruction of Russian Federation and infliction of a German warlord and governance over the fatherland for God alone knew how many generations.

The agents of the NKVD had recently received confirmation of the German language arm forces gathering en pile along the German-Russian frontier in what had been Poland. An immense force of motorise infantry and of storage tank, airplane and bombers…an incredible clenched fist of branding iron prepared to nail home into a weakened Russia.

Normally the build up force of Russia would be sufficient to discourage the German, but now mutiny was sweeping the four army corp stuck within Finland and others enroute to Finland or still on the frontier had joined with them. Commissars had been killed, elections of new officers held and observance sent to STAVKA in the clear…

The troops will no longer come orders given by Stalin or his men and called upon the Germans to infest and liberate their fatherland from the oppression of Communism.

The Germans promptly responded, declaring to the world they will get down their ‘ liberation of USSR'unless Stalin steps down or is removed before 10 January, 1940. Each had cringed as Donitz explained on the tuner that he held only Joseph Stalin and his henchmen, and not the Russian soldiers or Russian population responsible for the assassination of Chancellor Hitler…

So the conspirators knew what had to be done : liquidate Stalin.

"We have to do this tonight, and we must win, or we lose the native land to the Germans."general Zhukov, the lone general to survive Stalin's rabies, told the gathered men."gift the orders, in one hour it begins…"

With those words the men departed to save up their homeland.

9 January, 1940 Irving Berlin, Deutschland

"superior general has this been confirmed ?"Chancellor Donitz said into the telephone set. His staff waited in tense silence, each one wondering if the effect being reported in Soviet Russia are truthful ; and if not true, will their chancellor give the final examination order to begin the invasion of Russia.

"Thank you,"Donitz said and slowly hung up the phone. He breathed deeply, turned to his staff and smiled in true joy."Gentlemen, the news have been confirmed, Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili and his collaborator are beat and full general Georgi Zhukov has been sworn in as the new prime minister of Russia. The gild have already been confirmed by our listening post and agents in Moscow, all conflict save for local anesthetic self-defense is to quit immediately inside Finland and a ‘ request'made to our government to intermediate peacefulness talks between Finland and Russia."

"Orders are to be sent at once that the invasion of USSR is hereby cancelled."Donitz saved his swell surprise for last as he held up a missive delivered earlier by the ambassador of Suisse."I have here the personal letter of Winston John Churchill who has accepted our offer of a recurrence to the status-quo of 1939 between our commonwealth. We will retire from Poland, though it shall remain as a vassal government in our field of influence."

"valet de chambre,"Donitz continued,"we have peace at last and Germany has become a domain baron once again. The abuse and opprobrium inflicted upon us in the Great War has been erased forever…"

With that the Chancellor dismissed his men and returned to the day to day grind of running a government. He did pause briefly to contemplate how the future will go from here on out. peace has come to Europe as far as Federal Republic of Germany is concerned, though Italy's dictator Mussolini is making his common blustering noise about Northern Africa…

"Let the man face the British people and French people alone if he is stupid enough to remove them on alone,"Donitz declared.

10 January, 1940 rear-area of Russian one-ninth U. S. Army Corps

In the depths of their sheltered tenting Stephen, Nikkei and master James Harvey Robinson listened to the articulation of field of operation Marshal Mannheim come vindicated and decided over the tuner. They could scarcely believe their ears…

"To all citizens and soldiers, foreign voluntary and drumbeater who have been involved in the refutation of our homeland against the personnel of a autocratic Russian Federation ; this day, a smashing day of solemnization for us all, I am beaming to proclaim that the tyrant of Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, prime minister Stalin is dead. His successor prime minister Zhukov has ordered all Russian military force are to cease hostilities at once after a monumental demonstration of the Russian hoi polloi collective resolve led to their solders refusing to accept order of magnitude anymore."

Nikkei looked at Sir Leslie Stephen, hoping against Hope that this is not a dream she will shortly rouse up from…

"The Chancellor of the Exchequer of Germany, Admiral Donitz, has graciously extended the offer of his government activity being a indifferent intermediary for peace talks to be held by congresswoman of Finland and Russia. This marriage offer has been supported in the finale hour by the government activity of Britain and French Republic and the United States. lady and Gentlemen, as will be confirmed in poor order by the political science official programme, our valiant battle of democracy against communist tyranny has come to an end. Our sacrifices have been great, but God has saved us in the end. We acknowledge the exertion of all who defended our homeland on the front credit line, and from behind enemy line of business, heroes such as the Snow Devil, Snow Fox and Ghost Bear. Ladies and Gentlemen, the war is over…"

The remaining words were drowned out by the collective cry of joy and delectation by Nikkei, Stephen and police chief Robinson and his men. Nikkei leapt into Stephen strong arms and kissed him as hard and long as she could, knowing that at long net she and he will repay home base and build up a new life in the patrimonial domicile of their people.

"Grandpa…"she began only to be hushed by him.

"Nikkei please call me Stephen,"he insisted upon,"as soon as we can we will head house, or anywhere else you wish to. I have several properties across the region from my…other activeness,"he rolled his eyes to the nirvana at the quantity of money he had stashed away from being a smuggler.

"Grandpa…sorry, Stephen…"Nikkei said,"That old hunt Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge. We make it our home and see what we can urinate out of it for the future. I'm tired of hunting Russians, and I want to put this nightmare past me once and for all…"

"Sorry to interrupt the romanticist kiss and such,"said police captain Robinson with a wide-cut grin,"but I have parliamentary law to see the two of you to Field Marshal Mannheim at once. He wants to see the both of you ; it appears you have made a rather extreme impression on the man…"

Esme Stuart Lennox Robinson shook his head word and stopped talking as Nikkei and Stephen headed to their tax shelter, determined to induce a secret celebration of their own."It can wait a bit, it can wait…thank God the war is finally over."

So it is that the first clash between East and Dame Rebecca West, between Communist Russia and those who love to be free has come to an end. The madness of Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili has ceased, the mighty and unstoppable Red Bear beaten, humiliated and humbled by one nation united for the defense of their homeland, and due to the fearlessness and determination of the ones known in chronicle to come as ‘ Snow Fox'and"Ghost Bear'history has changed forever…

The prospicient venerate European war ceased before it even began as Germany brokered a lasting ataraxis treaty between Russia ( now led by Zhukov ) and Republic of Finland. All territorial reserve gains and pre-war call made by the Soviet Union were fully dropped, and the final international borders established under the optic of neutral parties from the United States and Holland, Belgique and other minor powers.

Germany and England entered into an uneasy truce with one another, born by prime rector John Churchill having gained a ‘ grudging respect'for Chancellor of the Exchequer Donitz of Deutschland, who forged a number of industrial and trade deals of mutual benefit to the two nations people. Though many doubted the commitment of the new German language Chancellor of the Exchequer, his subsequent restoration of Polska and the Balkland state to full sovereignty helped ease these incertitude in the end.

Italia's dictator Il Duce made his common gripes and threats to restore the greatness of the original empire of Italian capital across the lands of northern Africa. He dismissed the warnings of France and Great Britain as ‘ small barks and yelp of discomfited Empires.'

Chancellor Donitz delivered two subject matter to Mussolini - the commencement being an behind ‘ discouragement'for him to ‘ not upset the stream balance of world power in a European Union now finding heartsease and prosperity again.'

Mussolini promptly dismissed this ‘ utter cowardly behavior of the new German prime minister'and prepared his nation to go to war. Thus he in short order received the second, and final examination, message of Donitz : a dud in the bathtub…and a refurbishment of a disengage and democratic means of democratic government under the coalesce security of Britain and Federal Republic of Germany.

Through freely and openly held elections Donitz continued to precede Federal Republic of Germany and her people for twelve more geezerhood until voluntarily refusing to run for a third six-year term of business office. He declared ‘ it is time for the next genesis, those who have never seen the face of war, but the joy of public security, to lead.'

Until the end of his twenty-four hour period Donitz, as with Churchill, remained active as diplomatist for their respective nations, and even held a grudging respect for one another ; although Churchill still got annoyed to the end of his day when asked about a ‘ certain phone call he received one night from Donitz…"

France became a res publica that descended into political pandemonium in the years to follow ; one government coalition rose and fell after another. Not until after the Pacific war and loss of the French dominion to the victorious Japanese did a new administration under Chenier institute some sense of hope and stableness to the nation. But as a whole, the best daytime were behindhand France as her settlement in Africa broke free and became free lance nations.

The Scandinavian nations continued to prosper beyond anyone's furious of dreaming in the years to derive ; in prison term they formed an economic alliance which grew to rival that of Federal Republic of Germany and England combined, and before the end of the 1950's had wrested almost half the American import securities industry from those two respective nations.

On November 1, 1941 Admiral Isoroko Yamamoto ascended to jut and sheer dominance of the build up personnel of the Empire of Japan. With the thanksgiving of the Emperor, the willing diplomatic aid of Premier Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov of Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic and of President President Roosevelt of America, Yamamoto pulled all scout troop of japan from Red China in a staged drug withdrawal that seen the colonial great power of Europe and United States of America begin to do the same.

No one knows to this day of the month the trueness of the matter, yet on Dec 5, 1941 President Roosevelt, on his way to Japanese Archipelago at the personal invitation of the emperor Hirohito, disappeared with the heavily cruiser Chicago that he travelled upon. The only message of alarm received was that of"flame in the forward engine elbow room has reached the ammo magazines…"then silence.

Newly sworn-in Chief Executive President Truman called for the matter to be investigated, and American naval violence were sent to the lowest make love position of the Michigan. Two British corvettes, One Canadian River Coast precaution vessel and three Japanese destroyers arrived on the vista to only find a study of debris and oil slick covering stat mi of ocean.

What has been documented is the 1st American language vessel, a destroyer whose captain despised the Nipponese, on the shot immediately assumed the Japanese vessels had sunk the boodle ; he demanded their surrender and when they rightfully refused, stating they as with the British and Canadian vessel were searching for subsister, commenced to fire upon them - one vas sunk, lowering hurt done on the other two Nipponese ships who retaliated and sunk the waster in turn.

thus commenced the great Pacific War, or as many now call it"The War of Empires."On December 7, 1941, a hostile Congress, whipped into a frenzy by a diminished fistful of anti-Japanese fanatic declared war on the empire of Japan and directed chairperson Harry S Truman to direct the war until ‘ unconditional capitulation of the Empire of japan occurred.'

Seeing the opportunities for territorial gains and bang-up influence across the Pacific, on Dec 10 and 11, French Republic and England joined the United DoS in declaring war upon the Japanese for ‘ crime of such order of magnitude as to defy unwashed sensation or decency.'

Everyone expected the Japanese imperium would go down by the end of 1942, and plans were already being prepared for the naval division of the home islands. Germany declared disinterest in the issue, as did Russia ; though both had provision special technology and resources to Japan in secret to develop the war-ending means…

trinity long and all-fired years of protracted struggle resulted in Isoroku Yamamoto bringing victory for the Empire of Nihon ; seven decisive naval and land involvement ended in Japan's party favour, with the concluding pact ending the war leaving Nihon in possession of Indo-China, portions of Republic of India and Ceylon, and most of the Pacific Ocean. Though the Philippine's were restored to America after they were to be declared ‘ neutral territory.'

Many historiographer have learned that the peace was wrought with an unsaid threat from Japan to unleash the new super-weapon they had developed and tested just before their concluding war machine victory - the atomic bomb calorimeter. In a secret diplomatic cable to the leaders of U.S.A., England and France, Emperor Michinomiya Hirohito stated if the dwelling islands were attacked, the new ‘ super dud'would be used in retaliation upon the offending allied nation.

In due time the winter War will pass into history, but it will not be forgotten as the time when a Democratic nation dared to do the insufferable and within that war, the natural action of Nikkei and Stephen changed the world forever. Thus comes to a finale the fable of the blow Fox.

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