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Опубликовано на Сен 14 2011

What's the best way to keep your members happy? Well, the *best* way I can think of is to fuck them! Hee hee...but only my black members. And only the ones with 8 inches or more. That's what happens this week! Oh...by the way...Welcome to Spring World! ;-) So anyways...I've got this one member who probably sent me 1 million e-mails begging for my tight pink pussy. He bragged about his black dick, and what he could do with it, and how much jizz his fat balls produced...so, what's a BCS to do except give him a try-out? And try me out did DID! Whoa...he's almost as good as any porno dude I've done for my site! What a blast! Oh, and blast he did...all over my face! He sure was right about those big black balls of his. I mean he musta dumped a gallon of spunk all over me! Whew! So, lemme know what you guys think, OK? Oh, and if you think you have what it takes to join me for some fun, e-mail away! Hee hee...XOXO - Spring

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