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Опубликовано на Авг 11 2011

Nala walked in thinking she was this extreme chick because she did a face fucking scene for one of the local jokers around here. About 3 minutes into it, I asked her which one was rougher, and she got up and stumbled her way to the bathroom. That summed it up. She had all these bracelets on her arm, and each one signified something. I wonder which ones meant, ugly, stupid, dumb, trailer trash, and titless. She got her first DP too, and Bootleg and Big Red brought the wood. When they face fucked her, she really got the chin music too. Then, that retard Bootleg nutted early, but it was OK because he pulled off a 2nd nut like the pro he is. Then Big Red dropped his DNA all over her face like she was hit with silly string. All in a days work.

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