Femdom Blowjob Video

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Опубликовано на Июл 28 2011

Tina Tink Makes the Bartender Pay for Trying to Get Her Drunk with a Cock-and-Ball-Biting Blowjob!One night a hot young schoolgirl with glasses and pigtails was drinking alone at her local bar, and the deviant bartender tried to get her more drunk so that he could take advantage of her!He pulled down his pants and stuck his cock in her mouth, but little did he realize that she was the worlds most ferocious cockbiting queen of pain! "Im going to bite your dick off if you cum on my face!" She yelled at him while biting his cock and balls.She included plenty of thunderous kicks and punches to his naked balls while teasing him with a painful and succulent blowjob. She was kicking him while wearing high heels and stockings, and she continued with the painful naked ballbusting torture until his cock and balls were sore and purple!Then, she began stroking, biting, and sucking his cock until he was on the edge of climaxing! Several times, she bit and punched his nuts to prvent him from cumming! Finally, she forced him to cum all over her face, which gave her a reason to castrate him with a huge African spear! This morbid female-castration-story ends with a lesson that every bartender should learn: "Dont cum on my face or Ill bite off your cock!"

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