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Опубликовано на Июл 02 2011

Hi Gang! Well, here it is...the beginning of another week, as well as the beginning of another new scene. New niggah, too! Everyone say hello to Julian. I had heard lots about him, but had never met him...until about 15 minutes before our scene. He's a pretty cool guy, and we hit it off really well...SO well he ends up hitting my ass ;) I go all three inputs for Julian, and it was well worth it. Even though he's only 8 inches, it's a full 8, and it's thick. So I ain't complaining! So enjoy this scene, and keep the e-mails rolling in. Even though I don't get a chance to reply to them all, I *read* them all...so yes, I'm going to "change things up" a bit, and yes, I'm working on getting some ballers to let me in their locker room to gang bang me, and yes, I really do write these descriptions, and yes yes yes I love you all! :) Until softcore Thursday, Peace. XOXO -- Spring.

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