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Опубликовано на Июн 21 2011

Seth Roberts was found arriving at Taurus - a well known bar on Canal Street in Manchester - by our bait-bois Leroy Dale and Luke Desmond. This red-hot American cutie attracted everyone's attention the second our eyes caught sight of him. A coffee, a friendly chat and the realisation that he had no place to stay soon had Seth convinced that a night at the penthouse was an offer to be accepted. Two rounds with the bait-bois and Seth finds himself playing with ropes. Tied to the dining room chair with ropes and chains, Seth is soon helpless and unable to slow things down. Sebastian wastes no time, getting Seth's cock hard before binding it with the full length with rope! Seth is in agony as his cock swells inside the restraints. Careful cock-head rubbing brings Seth to his climax, leaves boy cum shooting everywhere and Seth utterly exhausted.

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