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Опубликовано на Июн 05 2011

Deja Dare is one of my very bestest pals. That doesn't mean she's not a slut, or a whore, or a black cock slut...cause she's all those things. And more. Much more. She's a CHEATER. Look at her. Look at me! We are CHEATERS. We cheat on our boyfriends, and we do it with Black Men. My God. Why don't they break up with us? And Deja? Well, she's like an Amazon Goddess, and she's an expert when it comes to Big and Black. Like me. Speaking of big and black, check out BOZ The Animal. What's that, about 12, 13 inches? It's so big and long he can stick it into a white girl's pussy and lick that pussy at the same time. Talk about pleasure! Shit, a white boy and his 5 incher could take all the Yoga classes in the world and never do what BOZ does! HAHAHAHAHAHAH. You pathetic white boy. Jack your dinky to this. MWAH!!!!!!! XOXO - Ruthie.

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