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Опубликовано на Дек 19 2017

Daziy Cooper doesn't like Sundays...cause Sunday's means football, and football means her man is gone for the day with his buddies, drinking and laughing and looking at girls at the local sports bar. Daizy wants her man all to herself, so she strikes a deal with him: "I'll suck and fuck you, but no football! Stay home with me!" Hubby's in a weak state, cause he hasn't nutted in days...and Daizy's mouth and cunt are SO good. What's he do but make a promise...a promise he knows he can't keep! In the middle of their sex, the buddies arrive and interrupt the hot action. Guess what? They haven't nutted in a long time, so, "hunny, please show my homies some love!" That's what Daizy's boyfriend says, and Daizy is a little slut. A slut for white cocks. So sure, she'll go out to the patio and blow them all until each and every one of them -- including her boyfriend -- coat her pretty black face white! And guess what! They got it all done just in time to catch the kick off!

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