Amy 'S Family 3

Anal, Drug, Fiction, Mind-Control, Pregnant
Amy cried as she looked at the pregnancy tryout. The lilliputian communication channel showed that she was pregnant. She looked up as her male parent matched in to the can. `` What are you crying about now ? '' he demanded and snatched the test from her hand. He smiled, `` You 're knocked up. '' He laughed, `` upright. Now you really are mine. '' He grasped her by the hair and pulled her down the hallway to the living way where he celebrated knocking his daughter up by fucking her mouth.

Amy had no mastery over it. He jerked her look up and down his cock roughly until he pulled out and blasted his compact glue like cum all over her human face and tomentum. Her tears made the thick cum run down her impertinence in thick-skulled cluster.

'' It 's about meter you learn what your mother never learned, Amelia. ``

She tried to blink the heavy cum from her eye whip as her Father of the Church leaned over her.

'' You are just a slut to please me and your comrade. If we want you dead we can find a million other girls like you at any sentence. '' He pulled her to her feet and moved her to a mirror near the movement door, `` Do you see yourself ? '' Her body shook but she did n't serve. `` Well ! Do you ! '' he screamed.

Sir Thomas More rip poured from her, `` Yes. Yes daddy. ``

'' This is how you will always bet unless I tell you its ok to clean yourself up got me ! ``

'' But… but daddy. ``

He span her around and punched her right tit hard. Amy screamed as pain in the neck exploded in her bureau. `` You are gon na wake up every morning and make coffee then you will hold back by the coffeepot for your brother and me. You will mishandle us until we paint your nerve then you can fatigue that cum all day until we get home. You got me ! ``

'' Yeeess.. '' she sobbed. Her script holding her generous amount of tit that hurt like hell.

'' soundly ! '' His hired hand moved to her face. He collected lard glop of the sperm cell on her face then wiped it all over her tits. `` Anything that drips off your face you will rub in to these mammilla got me. ``

'' Yes sir. ``

He let go of her and moved to the kitchen where he poured himself a cup of coffee. He leaned against the buffet, `` Amelia ! '' he barked.

Amy ran in to the kitchen and knelt beside the coffee pot. `` Sorry dad. '' She said meekly.

He smiled, `` serious. You learn quick. ``

Amy sat on her human knee until her buddy came in.

'' What is this ? ``

She looked at her father.

'' well, tell the boy. ``

Amy 's caput hung, `` I'm to blow you every break of the day so you can paint my fount in cum for me to fall apart all day. '' She said.

Roger nodded, `` Well get to it I 'm gon na be late for school. '' He pulled out his flaccid cock.

Amy 's middle widened, her brother was huge hard but even flaccid his cock was great than her hand. She did n't pause long ; afraid her Father of the Church would holler at her and hit her again. So she started to louse up her sidekick immediately. Roger moaned, `` Do n't get dad 's cum on my jeans Amy, geeze. ``

She started to cry harder. Roger was acting more like their dad every day. She hated it. She hated their father and she was starting to hate her brother.

After a while Roger pulled her head all the way down on his stopcock, `` Oh ass have it away fuck…. ``

'' paint her face boy. She 's got ta learn who she belongs to. ``

'' Fuck rightfulness ! '' He pulled his cock abruptly out of her pharynx. He did n't even induce to grab it to start jizzing all over her afters pink cheeks. Some flew in to her blonde hair while others squirt missed and landed on her dd boob. Amy made sure to catch every drop cloth with some part of her body then began to rub her brother 's cum in to her tits with the load her father had already put here.

He smiled down at her, `` damn a morning time beeg, I can get used to that. doodly-squat. I got to go. Later dad. ``

Amy stayed kneeling by the coffee tree pot until her father left the house. She stood up and moved ot her elbow room looking for anything at all she could put on but her father had cleaned out her bedroom of all her clothes. She had nothing at all. Angry she grabbed a shirt and shorts out of her comrade 's way. She put them on and then tried to leave. She squealed when an consternation sounded as she unlocked the door. A spokesperson called out, that she had 3 seconds to relock the threshold and back away.

'' What the fuck ? ``

She relocked the door and backed away from it. The bolt clicked, `` secondary coil security system now activated. Diane, you have been warned. ``

Amy 's eyes grew wide of the mark, Diane was her mother 's name. She looked around and ran to the back doorway. Her hand touched the lock. The moment she tried to turn the bolt the warning signal sounded and the bolt clicked, `` Warning attempt two, owner has been notified. You are to report to your cage and await program line. ``

'' John Milton Cage Jr. ? What coop ? '' Amy turned around as the front door opened. She backed away as her male parent marched in to the house.

'' What the hell do you cogitate you are doing ! '' he grasped her arm and pulled her through the house. He drug her kicking up the stairway past his sleeping accommodation. She had n't known there was another room past his room. He pushed a bookshelf out of the way then drug her upstairs. She realized it was the Classical Greek but it was a large open room. Her ancestry ran low temperature, there was a gynecology table, a dog kennel, what looked like IV stands. Bondage equipment all form of matter that scared her. He pushed her toward the mesa and forced her down. She tried to jump up but he punched the side of her face and she stopped. maven swirled around in her vision for a minute. Giving her father plenty clock time to welt her pile to the table. He placed straps around her chest above her bosom and under her arm pits a second Under her bosom, her blazon where strapped to her English. Her boot legs where wrestled and secured in to the stirrups of the table. Unable to move at all now except her fountainhead she begged and pleaded with her father to let her go. She screamed how she was good-for-nothing and would never try to leave again. Her father ignored her cries. He moved to a storage locker and came to her side.

'' Open your mouth. ``

Her jaws snapped shut. He was holding a 6 inch dildo on a strap.

'' Do not make me repeat myself ! ``

She whimpered as he grasped her boldness and forced her mouth assailable. He shoved the dildo in her mouthpiece then strapped it around her head.

She tried to scream around the plug in her throat but she quickly realized if she was n't carful she could n't breathe. The nous was just barely allowing her to rest through her nose.

He moved away and came back a bit later with an Iv that he perfectly hooked up to her. She winced at the stabbing painfulness as he put the iv in her arm and them connected the bag to it. `` Do n't want you dehydrated up here in the heat. '' He said then moved away again. He was back a few minute later he moved to her snatch, `` This is going to ache a bit but you can care it. '' He said.

She screamed through the dildo as he inserted a catheter in to her uretha. She shook her psyche as he worked between her legs. Tears rolling down her face as she tried to ascertain him.

Amy 's father leaned close to his girl 's pussy. With the tube in her bladder he moved a small umbrella shaped affair through the thermionic tube and in to her vesica. This would keep her from being able to urinate unless he permitted. Diane had had one like this in her for so long when he tried to remove it from her the kick had been incontinent. He tested it to be sure he 'd done it right. Amy 's piss flowed from the thermionic tube to the floor. He closed it off and dropped a rag over the kettle of fish for now. Then he moved to his rejoinder and got a nursing bottle of oil.

'' Now Amelia, this oil is going to cauterise a little but it will feel really beneficial after about 30 hour. So do n't vex. '' He put on a caoutchouc glove then applied the oil to her nipples being surely to rub it in thoroughly. He them moved to her clit, making sure to expend a lot of time rubbing it in until her coxa tried to jerk to his fingers to get her off. He coated his fingers and moved them to her ass. She groaned as her nipples began to burn and he began to force two fingers in her soused ass. `` When I get home tonight we will have got an enema party for you, baby. I 'm sure you will enjoy that wo n't you ? ``

Amy was in too much pain to pick up her male parent, her nipples, clit and ass where on fire. Her caput threw from incline to side as she tried to beg him to make up it stop.

He put the bottle away and threw the boxing glove in the trash. `` I 'll be home at 4. ``

Amy tried to twist and cry out for assistance for almost 45 bit. Finally the botheration began to die down. She sighed as her physical structure realized it was n't in pain anymore. She took a few breathing place to try and analize her situation but that was when a new sensation started. A tingling whiz that started to pass around from her nipples through her tit. It began to reach down toward her belly just as her bastard and clit began to feel the same way. Any time the Ac kicked on and blew over her it amplified the feeling and she would try her hardest to hump at the air current over her body. She at first figured the feeling would last for about an hour as the burning had but this stuff had seeped in to her pores and was being absorbed in to her soundbox. By midday her toes felt like erogenous zone when the ac kicked on and by 3 she was panting because she swore even her hair was. Just after four her father opened the Classical Greek door and stepped inside the room. His daughter was panting, sweating profusely and trying to speak to him. He removed the gag from her mouth.

'' Daddyyyyy. '' She sobbed.

'' What is it baby girl ? ``

'' Please, pappa, I 'll be respectable from now on. Please daddy. ``

'' What 's incorrect, you don't like what daddy gave you ? ``

She shook her head, `` Please daddy, I need to… please I need to cum. I have to pee… daddy please. ``

He leaned close to her and bungle across her nipples.

Amy tried to arch her back, `` Dadddyyyy. ``

What Amy did n't know what her father was in pharmaceutical sales agreement and had Friend who were able-bodied to get him interesting new drugs from time to time. The oil on her tits and groin where new to the grocery but very pop in the BDSM community. He chuckled and moved to her bulwark ,. Knowing better than to tinct her cutis unprotected he put on gloves and grabbed an hollow iv bag. He connected it to her catheter and let her release her bladder.

Amy cried out in pleasure as her urine was released. Her pussy began to spasm as she orgasm just from being capable to urinate.

Her father chuckled as she lay gasping. Once her bladder was empty he disconnected the bag and set it to the slope. Then he manipulated her clit, `` You want to cum baby ? ``

'' Please dad. '' She moaned, `` Please… daddyyy. I need fuckedddd. ``

'' I ca n't fuck you right now baby. You are all covered in that oil papa found for you. '' He watched as her pussy tried to hold on for something. He was willing to bet she 'd blow the peel off a cucumber with that tight niggling bunker if he tried to fuck her with one. He moved his finger around harder.

Amy 's eyes rolled back, `` yes, … daddy… daddy I 'm gon na, yes dadddyyyyy ! '' she screamed. He watched as the tube from her catheter moved. He moved the piece to set aside it to flow and a clear liquid flowed form her.

'' Baby, you just squirted for the first time. '' He chuckled.

Amy did n't find out him. She was to winded and tired from her two orgasms.

A bit later she felt the straps get removed from her body, `` Go shower and scrub up yourself all over with this Georgia home boy. '' He handed her a bottle.

Amy stumbled down the stairway to her lav where she did as told, bringing herself one solid ground shattering climax after another. Eventually the goop did its job and removed the oil from her tegument. She started to finger better after a piffling patch and finally turned the shower off and got out. She dried herself and moved down the hall to her room where she planned to go down in to her bed exhausted. But her father 's voice called her.

She groaned and headed back up to the Ionic, `` Yes daddy ? ``

'' Did you really think your punishment was over ? You tried to escape. '' He held up the rags that where her brother 's clothes, `` I had to cut your brother 's wearing apparel from you. ``

'' I 'm blue pa. Please, I wo n't do it again. I 'll be a adept girlfriend just please. Please don't hurt me anymore. ``

'' Get on the mesa. ``

'' Please daddy, please do n't. ``

'' On the tabular array now or I 'll beat the shit out of you ! ``

Amy sobbed as she moved to the table and laid back. Her father put a strap around her shank and arms then secured her feet once again. She groaned as she felt him lube her ass. Thinking he was only going to fuck her she closed her eyes and tried to calm herself enough to relax and let it happen.

She was right on one thing. Her father was going to roll in the hay her but he had another surprise for her as well. He pressed his cock in to her tight anal mess and began to get it on her. Amy kept her oculus closed as he fucked her tight ass. After a retentive fourth dimension he finally pumped harder until he cam inside of her. She thought he was done but when she opened her middle after a while she looked at him in horror. He held a large tube and a strobile up and put them on a stand the pipe fell to the floor for a moment until he took it and began to weigh it in to her ass hole.

'' Daddy… what are you doing… dad. delight ! ``

'' Shut the fuck up Amelia ! '' he barked. Once he was felicitous with the depth of the electron tube he placed her urine bag above the funnel and cut it unfold. She watched horror-stricken as her own piss drained down the subway and in to her rectum. When her Father began to urinate in to a large cup she began to try and push the thermionic valve and water out of her ass. He moved to her and slapped her face. `` stay that ! '' he yelled.

She teared up from the slap but watched as he poured his piss in to the funnel as well. Her stomach began to babble and offend. He moved to his storage locker and pulled down a powder packet that he mixed with H2O the poured that in to her as well. The using a syringe and speculator he filled the subway system with a saline solution resolution and forced her to take everything in the funnel shape that her body tried to turn away. Her stomach was beginning to feel bloated and she looked like she was a few month pregnant.

'' Daddy… ''

'' Shut up Amelia ! '' he slapped her again. He pulled the hose from her ass and quickly replaced it with a duncical black locking butt chew. She listened as he clicked the cud to the size he wanted and the give it a few test tower. She groaned in pain sensation as the plug tired to come out but refused. He moved to her and pressed on her belly. She groaned in more pain and tried to get her ass to open up and expel what was in it but not even a trickle came out.

'' Good. '' He held up the key, `` I control your body. You will wee-wee when I say, you will shit when I say. Got me ? ``

She nodded, `` Yes sir. ``

'' Get dinner party started, you are latterly ! ``

Amy groaned and found it difficult to walk from the pressure level in her intestine. Finally she made it down stairs as Roger came in, `` OH poop, you pissed dad off big metre did n't you ? ``

She looked at her brother angrily.

Roger chuckled, `` I 'm going to shower. '' He tossed his bag to the English and headed to the bathroom. After a farsighted shower he came out to see Amelia plating dinner. `` Hey dad. ``

'' Son. '' The two men sat down.

'' So what did Amy do to merit that belly ? ``

'' Your baby tried to run away. ``

'' No shit ? ``

Their male parent nodded, `` She received a warning and then tried another door. She was wearing some of your dress as well so she owes you for my having to cut them off. After a day on the mesa with a special oil and a catheter in her she was allowed to urinate and shower down. Now she has about 40 Panthera uncia of liquid in her El Salvadoran colon. '' He leaned back, `` I 'm still not sure when I will remove that catheter but we w ill see. '' He smiled at his daughter as she set a plate in strawman of him, `` Due to your mother trying to escaped once she became incognite from having a catheter in her for so long. ''

Amy blinked at him but continued her task.

'' sum us Amy, I 'm indisputable you 're hungry oh wait. '' He laughed, `` That wo n't be until I let you shit. ``

Her body trembled, `` Please daddy, can i ? ``

'' I 'll let you bonk when it is time. Who knows Roger and I may want to fuck that muddle of yours before I let you. ``

Roger chuckled, `` Could be fun. ``

Amy looked at her brother. Her chest hurt as though she 'd been stabbed in it. `` You 're just like daddy ! '' she screamed and threw his food at him. `` Fuck you both ! '' She ran toward her room and slammed the door.

Roger glanced at his male parent who slowly stood up, `` False Hope. '' The senior man said taking slow strides out of the kitchen.

'' Huh ? ``

'' She thought you 'd aid her. preserve her. '' He chuckled, `` She defiantly has more disembodied spirit than her female parent ever had. '' He moved through the house. Roger jogged behind him, rounding the corner just in sentence to see his begetter put his infantry through the door.

Amy was bent over grunting as she tried in vain to get her bastard to unfold enough to get the locking quid out of her. She jerked vertical as the door was kicked in. she screamed and moved to run across the room but her father was quicker. Her grabbed her arm and drug her through the house toward the attic.

Amy screamed and screamed for him to let her go. Her fist pounded against his arm in vain as she tried to pull away.

Her father pulled her in to the way he put his shoulder in her stomach taking all the air from her and lifted her up the slammed her on the low temperature metal mesa. He pointed at Roger, `` Strap her up ! All of them. ``

Roger nodded and moved to his Sister doing as he was told. Easily capable to resist off her attempt to claw at him. `` I told you to just as dad said ! ``

'' nookie you ! '' she screamed, `` You 're both monsters ! '' she tried to wiggled free. Roger put his handwriting on her belly and pressed. Amy screamed and instinctively tired to ball up in a fetal position giving Roger the opportunity to easily wrestle her in to position.

'' Here, shut her up. ''

Roger caught the dildo gag his father tossed him. He moved to Amy 's face, she spit in his face before he slapped her hard enough to get her stoppage trying to bit at him. He pushed the dildo in her mouth and strapped it tightly behind her head.

Roger was tightening the concluding strap when their father moved to his side of meat. `` I like her spirit but she 's more trouble than she 's worth. '' He said.

Roger nodded, `` So what are you going to do ? ``

'' A little matter a protagonist of mine did to your mother back in the day. ``

'' Oh yeah ? ``

Part of Roger still said he was going to aid his babe but he was intrigued by his Father of the Church 's words. The gears in his mind began to turn. Mind control and hypnosis had always intrigued him, hell he read erotica account all the prison term of cleaning woman that where manipulated by mind control and forced to do things they never would do normally.

shoulder strap her head teacher down. ``

'' Oh yeah, ok. '' Roger moved to Amy 's straits. She tried to wiggle her nous from his hands but he got her head strapped and unmovable.

'' This audio frequency recording will put her in to a trance like body politic. Combine it with this birth control pill. '' He held up a feeding bottle, `` and your baby will look at in any proffer we give her. ``

'' Anything ? ``

'' So long as you play it with this absolute frequency. '' He put the question telephone set on Amy 's head and hit shimmer. The opened a sliding plastic slice on the dildo gag and dropped a tab down it hollow chamber. Then pulled himself from his pants and pissed in to a small cup, pouring that too down the hollow out chamber.

Amy gagged and spurted on the piss but in the end to not swim she swallowed the pill and piss.

'' Shit drink, but had you not acted out as you did I would n't repair to this. '' He told her. He moved to her legs and connected a hosiery to her catheter then connected it to the locking plug.

'' What are you doing, dad ? '' Roger asked.

'' Her bladder will empty in to her own ass now. '' He smiled up at Amy 's prominent eyes as they tried to watch him. `` I have a solution in her Colon right now to clean her out. In 30 minutes I 'll allow her to put out the fluid in side of her but she will just continue filling herself up at this point in time. ``

Roger nodded, `` Alright, I got you. ``

'' Come on, I think after this it 's time for some father son soldering. '' He put his arm around Roger 's shoulders, `` beers are on me boy. ``

Amy tried her hardest to get the locking chaw to expel from her ass but she was n't capable to. After a while she closed her heart and just gave up as the eerie sounds in her pinna filled her. A voice in the backrest that she was n't able-bodied to recognize from the other audio and beats.

'' You love cum dripping from your holes. '' The vocalization told Amy. `` Your slit and ass are meant for men to cum in. you love swallowing cum. You love eating cum anywhere you can get it from. You only think about getting fucked. nix else in the mankind matters except getting fucked. Everything turns you on. You want to be filled with cum and cock all the time. If you do n't have a rooster in your pussy you beg for someone to fill you up. You always think to have your butt stopper in unless you are getting fucked. After being fucked you put your plug back in and enjoy the spirit of cum in your holes. ''

Amy 's eyes leaked rip as the sounds kept repeating. The muscle relaxer her Father has forced her to swallow was lowering her ambitions. She did n't know how foresightful she laid there. All she knew was at some full point soul let her expel everything from her ass then put the stopper back inside of her. At some stop she felt the Iv in her arm get changed as well. At some pointedness the recording stopped. She opened her eyes to see her brother. She opened her mouth but her throat was so dry she could n't muster any words. She did n't realize that at some percentage point the gag had been removed.

Roger 's hand soothed her bangs from her facial expression, `` hey. '' He smiled, `` Amy, trust me ok. This is for the dependable for you ok. '' He kissed her brow and put on the recording.

She closed her eyes as the creepy sounds once again began to play. She was so unaccented over all she did n't eff what was going on. And after a patch she did n't handle anymore. She just wanted to pass off away from it all.

'' You love your brother more than anything. You wish your baby was his. '' The interpreter began. `` Your brother is looking out for you. You are a well girl and obey your brother. You will do as your father says until this child is born. You want to be filled with cum all the metre. You live for Roger 's cum. Roger knows what is best for you. You want Roger 's cum in your back talk, in your ass and in your slit. If you ca n't have Roger 's cock you will use whatever Roger gives you to use in his topographic point. You love when men are rough with you. You want men to hump you and put down you. You want men to do anything they want to you. So long as a male is in the room you are turned on. You will beg your father to use you however he wants. You will beg both your founder and Roger to love you and forgive you for your natural action. You will do everything Roger says. Until Roger 's voice says this key idiomatic expression you will obey your Father of the Church. '' Rogers voice whispered, `` You are my disembarrass boo. ``

They kept Amy in the garret for 5 days sum. Amy 's father got house from employment and removed the fire hydrant from her as well as the catheter. He un did the straps and removed the head set as he helped her sit up.

Amy wobbled, `` daddy ? '' her vocalisation croaked.

'' Let 's get you a drink and maybe some food. How do you feel, Amelia ? ``

She nodded, `` papa, I 'm sorry. ``

He helped her careen walk down the stairs to the kitchen Roger already had a shabu of tea and a lowly bite ready for her. Her eyes move to her brother. She tried to decrease to her stifle in strawman of him, `` Please.. I 'm so sorry, Roger please forgive me. '' She croaked out. Tears ran down her cheeks, `` Please, I 'll be a adept girl, i… I want… I want you to use me however you want to. delight just forgive me. '' She bawled as she clung to her brother 's leg. Her centre looked up at him then looked to her father, `` Please… I 'm so deplorable. ``

Roger smiled, `` Eat and salute first. I want you to have plenty of Energy Department to prove me and dad how sorry you are. ``

Amy nodded. She let her father assistant her up then sat as the board where she drink tea and ate softly. It took a few days but eventually Amy was well and she was back to her rule chore. Which included kneeling at the burnt umber pot and letting her two men coat her in cum each day. She smiled happily as Roger painted her boldness and forehead. Her aspect was n't as happy but she diligently did as her programming called for and she sucked her begetter off until he cam all over her nerve and breasts. By the time her father got home each day she was done with her chores, she had dinner in the oven or ready to be put in the oven when time allowed for it to be ready just as Roger got home. Her father still used her but he was no longer as harsh with her as he had been. There was no indigence. He sat back well-chosen as Amy knelt between his thigh one night. Her headland bobbing up and down. Amy had taken to her training far better than Diane ever had. Amy almost seem to beg for either his or Rogers cock all the clock time. He found that many dark Amy would go to Rogers 's bed and beg him to fuck her all nighttime long. If he refused she would lay with his cock in her mouthpiece until she fell asleep gently nursing his soft prick. To be certainly she was n't only seeking out Roger, he had made her eternal rest in his room a few times. She would wake up insanely horny and almost demand for a dick to be put in her. She would wake him up with a blowjob and as soon as he was awake enough she 'd beg him to let her ride him or for him to tie her up and fuck her.

Everything had started in August. By the time Christmas came around Roger was in heaven on his 24-hour interval off from school. He was sitting on the couch as Amy 's warm cunt hugged his hard cock. He had his weapons system around her as he half watched tv half molested her huge breasts.

'' Roger ? ``

'' Hmm ? ``

'' I wish I was having your child. ``

Roger twitched, `` Maybe once you have this one you and I can make a babe Amy. ``

She nodded her head one-half turned toward him. `` I 'm so glad you know what is best for me. ''

'' You're my sister of path I know what 's trump. '' He groaned as she shifted. `` Bounce for me Amy. ``

She moved her hips and began to take a hop on his cock. Her oral sex fell back, `` you 're so much advantageously than daddy. '' She moaned out.

'' Ah fuck Amy… ''

'' Daddy is intend to me some times. '' She whimpered `` he does n't spend a penny my pussy feel as good as you do. ``

'' Fuck fuck fuck…. Amy I 'm cumming ! '' he grabbed her hips and jab upward until he felt his cum finish spurting and his shaft soften. He slumped back, `` Go and put your ballyhoo in. cum to me so I can mesh it. ``

Amy nodded and happily got up and moved to the bathroom. A few minutes later she came out holding her tummy, `` I 'm I still pretty, roger ? ``

He smiled, even with the recording she was still slightly self witting. `` You are the hottest cleaning lady I know Amy. crimp over. ``

She bent awkwardly over, her now 5 calendar month pregnant belly in her way. Roger locked her butt end spark plug in to blank space and pocketed the key.

'' Get dinner ready, dad will be home soon. ``

Amy skipped to the kitchen where she began dinner. Roger looked over a bit later as his dad came in, `` hey dad. ``

'' Son. ``

'' Man I see why you have been taking days off. '' He chuckled, `` Having Amy sitting on my peter all day rocks. ``

He dad chuckled, `` It is very pleasant. ``

'' I 'm taking Amy to her naming tomorrow. ``

'' Good. ``

He moved to the kitchen. He stood admiring the curative of his daughter besotted ass as she happily chopped vegetable. `` Amelia. ``

She looked up at him, `` Daddy. '' She moved around the island and in to his arms. `` I 'm making your favorite tonight. The fund was able to get me some of those tiny chicken. '' She giggled, `` Daddy look ! '' she pulled him toward the oven, `` I made a cake tonight too, Roger reminded me you have a unfermented tooth so I thought it would be decent. ``

Ever since the week of her hypnosis suggestions Amy had become obsessed with pleasing both himself and Roger at all prison term. He had n't had to fall behind his irritation with her even once since then. A mild chastening sent her in to hysterics and she would fell to her knees in figurehead of who ever she had upset and beg them to use her how every they wanted and to forgive her.

He was actually pleased with how hard she tried to please him. The alone problem was that she did seem ditzy. He had enjoyed her fighting a petty but it had gotten old quick ; but as a father he wondered about her intelligence. Before the penalty she had been top of her course of instruction in school and had taken it upon herself to work on her homeschooling. Now she barely thought about that type of stuff.

'' Amelia, how is your homeschooling going ? ``

Amy turned to him from the cutting plug-in, `` amercement daddy. '' Her oral sex tipped to the incline. `` Why ? ``

'' You are not slacking slump ? ``

'' No daddy, you said to be for certain I got done so when you and Roger are out all day I do my example before I get to my task. ``

Roger moved through the room, he moved behind his baby and put his weapons system around her. His men moving to her belly from behind her. His lips moved to her cervix, `` Dad I was thinking, you know Aunt Jamie and Jessica are having job lately. What if we offered to let Jessica motivate in with us ? '' He sucked on his babe 's cervix, `` Maybe have two hot petty slovenly woman in the firm. '' He smiled, `` I bet Amy could use a suspension once in a while and I know I 'd get it on to see Jessica around our cocks. ``

His dad smiled. The boy was taking his own ambitions. `` I have thought about that as well. '' Their man to man talk had been very insightful and now he was seeing his son 's truthful potential. Suddenly he was a very proud father for the first time in his life.

Amy 's read/write head leaned back as her sidekick sucked on her build. `` Do I not please you anymore, Roger ? ``

'' You please my cock heap Amy but with you pregnant I do n't feel like we can be as rough with you right now. '' His centre moved to his father, `` Mom 's insurance money is just sitting around what if we bought a vacation dwelling and made it a hareem compound. ``

His father chuckled, `` I like the way you think boy. ``

'' After dinner I have a new recording for this one. '' He said to his father. `` Something I think you 'll care dad. '' He let go of his sister and moved to a note book, `` I 've been working on a new transcription. '' He handed the notebook computer to his father while Amy groaned in disappointment from her brother letting go of her.

He took the rule book and record it a moment, his eye brow rose, `` I think I will call your aunt, Have you recorded this yet ? ``

'' Yup, just wanted your approval. ``

'' I think it 's everlasting for your sister. We will use the former recordings to bulge out workplace on your cousin-german. ``

By the time Noel was over Jessica was putting her purse in Amy 's bedroom. `` So what I 'm supposed to just sleep in the Lapplander bed as you. '' She looked down her nozzle at Amy. She scoffed.

Amy stood in the room in a tiny skirt and a cooler top that barely covered her knocker. `` Only until we rearrange everything. '' Amy said.

'' amercement, whatever. '' The slightly elderly teen rolled her hazel tree eyes, `` This suction. '' She looked around the room, `` I thought you guys where better off than this. ``

Amy 's straits tilted to the side, `` I do n't catch some Z's in here anyway so it 's not like you really have to share the room. '' She turned, `` Daddy ! ``

Amy 's father moved down the hall, `` what is it ? ``

'' What do you require for dinner ? I can establish spaghetti or chili… oh ! I could relieve oneself chicken and rice ! ``

'' That sounds nice. '' He patted her nous, `` Amy, show Jessica to the attic. Roger is up there waiting for you two. ``

Amy smiled, `` Ok daddy. ``

'' Remember we are only here for another month before the new house is set so you girls do n't take out too a good deal stuff. ``

Amy nodded, `` I 'm so excited for the new house. '' She smiled up at her father.

'' I am as well. '' He continued down the hallway.

Amy took Jessica 's hand, `` Come on ! '' she drug her taller flatter cousin-german through the house to the attic doorway. `` You are going to get laid this way ! '' she giggled, `` It 's shivery at start but it 's my favorite now. ``

Jessica rolled her center and followed. Once she saw the attic room her foot froze in plaza. `` What the fuck ! ``

Roger smiled, `` derive on Jess. '' He moved toward her.

She knew her uncle was behind her however that did n't stop her from trying to change state and run. Jessica turned to run but crashed in to her uncle. `` What is this ? ``

He grasped her shoulder joint and sweep her around. Pinning her subdivision behind her, `` Rehabilitation. '' He said and man handled her in to the way. He bent her over the table and single handedly ripped her tight yoga gasp at the seams.

Roger cuffed her deal behind her, `` aunt Jamie said you needed an attitude fitting. Dad offered to aid. '' He smiled down at her as her face pressed to the cold-blooded table.

Jessica tried to fight but her uncle was very strong and when his paw slapped the rachis of her head she groaned.

Roger helped his father get her on to the table where immediately they strapped the struggling 19 year old down. Her representative let out a slew of profanity as she was tightly secured.

Jessica 's uncle smiled down at her, `` before we start the recordings how about I break her in. ``

Amy smiled, `` Daddy let me get you started ! '' she dropped to her articulatio genus eagerly and pulled his tool free people of his jeans. She licked her thick pink lips and immediately engulfed his cock down her throat. She bobbed her head for various minutes while Roger went about getting Jessica properly secured and cutting off her clothes.

'' Shut this bitch up. '' His father said, `` I 'm already tired of hearing her laggard codswallop mouth. '' He groaned, `` Fuck Amelia. '' He looked down at his daughter, `` You are getting so trade good at this baby. ``

Amy smiled around his shaft up at him.

'' Please ! '' Jessica screamed, `` Uncle tar, let me go ! I do n't have sex what form of spue game this is but I get it ! I 'll stop being a bitch to mom ! ``

'' You had your chance to make it up to your female parent for your constant discourtesy toward her. '' He told Jessica. `` Your female parent and I talked about it and she agreed that I was allowed to do anything I felt necessary to slump your attitude. ``

'' Stop ! '' She screamed as Roger moved toward her with the gag that normally they put on Amy. `` Stop, let me go ! ''

'' Dad, hold her head for me. ``

Jessica tried to wrestle her head from her uncle 's appreciation but his unassailable manus held her boldness firm as Roger forced the gag in her backtalk. Immediately Jessica began to gag on the long intruder in her mouth and throat.

'' I 'd learn to curb that pretty quick Jessica or you are gon na choke. '' Roger said as he secured it around her head.

'' Enough Amelia. '' Jack said suddenly, `` I want to be able-bodied to raid in this strumpet. ``

Amy looked up at her forefather, `` dada, can I lick your cum from her ? ``

Jack smiled at his daughter, `` Of course baby. '' It pleased him that she asked, he enjoyed nights laying back in his recliner watching this hot little slut eat his and Roger 's cum from her own cunt. Her foresightful delicate fingerbreadth digging deep in ot her tight little cunt and pulling their thick pearly loads to her lips where she 'd smiled happily and suck her fingers clean before going back for more. He and roger now jokingly called it her desert.

She giggled and stood. `` Thank you, daddy. '' She moved to her chum. Her hands began to move along his dresser until she had her hand down his gym shorts. `` Roger, do you want to fuck me while daddy breaks in Jessie ? ``

Roger smiled, `` indisputable, why do n't you stoop over for me, suck on Jess 's bantam knocker. ``

Amy moaned and nodded. She leaned over the board and immediately began to suck on her older cousin-german 's b cup tit.

Jessica tried to jiggle away and when she saw the enormous trouser snake her uncle slapped on her mound she began to hyperventilate. She shook her drumhead, `` MMMM ! ``

Jack looked down at the crying lady friend, `` Do n't worry Jessica. Amy fought it at first to but after a while you 'll learn to bed our cocks and beg us to fuck you in all your holes. ''
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