Maria ( 3 )

Fiction, First-Time
It is 1879 and my lookup for a chaste wench leads me to my own doorstep with Maria my serving maid.

Calophyllum longifolium


The last stinker of supper lay silent on my platter. The concluding dregs of porthole had long since passed my rim.

The serving dame waited to clear the table.

"Calophyllum longifolium ?"I asked the maiden,"Have you been plucked yet ?"

"Gor Lummee me lord what a question,"she giggled.

"And a serious one girl,"I insisted,"I fear I need a dalliance, but I desire a chaste wench, not a slut so are you chaste ?"

"You have a dalliance, your spunk will burst you old motley fool,"she scolded me,"You must be sixty years old if you be a day."

"I'll have you know I'm not even fifty yet,"I countered.

"Then the world ent been variety to your face and that's a fact,"she answered.

"Are you being insolent deliberately,"I asked.

"Dunno what insolent be captain,"she said,"But you forget all notions of poking me for my mam reckons you be me father and that's a fact."

"Damn you !"I cursed,"daughter or no you can still suckle my penis and take me up your ass."

"Don't want you over excited and dying on me do I ?"she answered,"No you bugger off to bed and fuck off your self stupid you old fool."

I admired her spirit, I bathed and went to bed. I admit I dreamed of fucking her and in the morn the rock hard bedsheets bore mute testament to my frustration.

I decided not to let the topic eternal rest, I sought the maid out,"Maria,"I addressed her,"You were very rude yesterday,"I cautioned.

"Me Mam says I gets it from me dad,"she admitted,"Any road round it were only immortal honest truth."

"So you won't let me bed you. even on pain of liberation ?"I enquired.

"I'd rather be fucked by half the blokes in the village one after t'other than have your slimy hands all over me."she insisted.

"My hands are not slimy,"I insisted,"They are soft from age of loafing while yours are arduous and calloused from strong toil."

"And yourn heart is hard from years of vigorish,"she replied,"Mam said you was a hard hearted bastard."

"Not a bastard technically, and I resent the feeling that I am toilsome hearted."I replied,"You certainly do not get it on your post do you girl ?"

"I'm your daughter so as I should be living a lifetime of repose not working like a bloody slave,"she complained.

"laying abed all day like some enfeebled baronial fair sex ?"I queried.

"That's right, I should not conjure until after the noon Alexander Melville Bell rang across the hayfield from the Christian church, and only then if the sun shone."she said wistfully.

"Should have been a whore,"I suggested,"Not a servant."

"That's what I told me mam but her said I weren't couth enough."she insisted.

"I beg your forgiveness,"I exclaimed,"Not couth enough ?"

"Uncouth, not couth enough her said,"she insisted.

"Oh well enough smidgen tattle,"I suggested,"Back to wreak and think on what I said."

I was deeply hurt and yet gallant. If she were my daughter she had a intent I could be proud of, if not I wanted her in my bed even more.

I suppose I could have forced her, but I feared a squawk or a human knee in the groin would be the issue, so I bided my time.

It came with the next shot party. I had luncheon set out in the barn and at lunch clock time we all repaired there, my shooting party friends and the men from the village who attended as"Beaters."

I also had the village stocks brought and erected in the barn for reasons I did not disclose.

How ever the function was soon to be made assoil,"maria,"I ordered the maid who was engaged serving food and drunkenness to the assembled throng,"come here please."

I had a couple of trusted chaps on script."What's up master ?"she said insolently.

"You were very rude then other day fille, you need a lesson."I explained,"You know the punishment."

"I guess I goes in the gunstock for a gracious rest ?"she replied.

"Exactly, in the stocks for a nice relaxation,"I ordered,"Seize her !"

She struggled manfully, in fact it took half a dozen to get her to pass on and she still struggled even when her head and arms was firmly secured.

"I suppose you're going to welt by bare ass ?"she asked as we lofted her dame to bare her backside.

"No jazz your ass my dear,"I warned,"Either you agree to come to my bed this even, or I invite, nay instruct every man jack present to sample you."

"Rather that than experience your slimy handwriting all over I,"she insisted.

"Very well, who shall be first,"I asked.

"Tommy Dawkins, he's always eyeing me up !"mare laughed.

Tommy was a finely lad, tall, muscular, shy, she knew he would run a mil rather than touch her with one and all looking on.

"Come on then Thomas,"I cajoled.

"I never done it afore,"he admitted.

"number one time for everything,"I pointed out,"semen on lad, don't let the side down."

Maria's bird had fallen across her buttocks once more so I lofted it again to reveal her quite alluring tush and unplucked chuff and ass ready for our pleasure.

"Very well your grace."he agreed.

Poor Lad, no Oklahoman was his member out of his breeches and in maria's chuff than he shot his bolt, at least it greased the way for the others.

"Is that what all the fuss be about ?"Maria queried,"Damn me I'd a become a Nun if I'd a known."

"Shut it cleaning lady,"Old Tom the forested cautioned as he waved his penis menacingly,"I've a portion of good English oak for thee that thee'l not forget for a while."

poor mare her eyes near popped out of her skull as Tom rammed hs monster up inside her barely explored parts..

I stood beside her question,"I would have been more easy,"I confessed.

"Harder !"Maria urged to spite me,"Fuck me harder !"

There was a splintering clangoring and the livestock post broke away from the deck we had fastened it to. The totally affair slewed around a quarter turn. poor old Tom it nearly ripped his member from him, and Maria had clearly never experienced anything like it."Agggghhh '' she protested,"You trying to pour down I or summat ?"

I released her from the stocks, she was little the worse for article of clothing and after I had a quart of ale brought to refresh her she was completely revived, or should I say rampant.

"Right who's next ?"She asked as she found a nice piece of overbold straw and laid there receptive legged with all her womanly magic spell displayed except her norks which remained firmly concealed under her button shirt."Big cocks two cent petty uns a ha'penny."she announced,"Well if I'm going to be an woman of the street might as well get paid for it."

"chapiter estimation my good,"I said,"How much for me ?"

"Thousand greaseball,"she said flippantly.

"I think I will birth to reconsider,"I admitted.

My judgement raced, the Christian church was nearby and I rushed thence on a whim.

The resumption of the shooting company was delayed until sufficient men had finished sampling her that we could proceed.

She looked quite bizarre. fully dressed above the waist and yet bared below as man after man expelled his cum within her, some used the brown hole turning her on her front for some strange reason but clearly she liked it from the shrieking of joy she uttered.

"Fancy treating your own daughter like that !"the young woman mother accosted me.

"Madame I checked the church building cash register and she can not be mine,"I challenged,"I was in France until six months before she was born."

"Could have swore she were yourn,"she said with a vex look,"power have been curate Greyson,"she said thinking hard,"Or that butler chap."

"Oh wondrous, now you admit it,"I sighed.

"Still now thee canst bed er can't thee ?"She suggested.

"I only found the register entry this half hour since,"I admitted.

"Oh well no harm done,"She declared,"She'll bring I a bit excess in her pocket if her makes a go of whoring."

I sighed, I still had not solved the conundrum of how to incur a chaste maid to wait on me, and now through sheer betise I had thrown away the probability to bed Maria.

I had my supper and went to bed that evening.

The bedroom door opened shortly after I put my bedside lamp out.

mare entered,"Mrs Willers,"That's my housekeeper,"Say's I'm to she-bop you off into a chamber pot to save soiling your sheets."

"William Tell Mrs Withers to mind her own hoot business,"I growled.

"Oh don't be like that, you gentlemen is rectify woeful when you be frustered,"Maria sighed,"Sorry about me mam thinking I was your kid."

"Hardly your fault though you were incredibly rude,"I countered.

"Look does you require a wank or not ?"she asked.

"No !"I snapped.

"You can wank over me tits,"she offered and she lofted her dust coat over her chief to reveal her lithe youthful eubstance shining Ag in the balmy moonlight.

"No go away,"I insisted but she threw back the bedclothes anyway.

"Where's Mister cock, Mr. stiffy,"she cooed.

"What do you bang of cocks ?"I asked.

"fountainhead I fucked a fair few this after, and the old Samuel Butler he been giving me lessons inn wanking see."she admitted,"Oh go on let I, I got to be up early."

She pulled my nightshirt up and pull up my member. He swelled instantly.

"Nice Mr. Cock,"she said stroking him.

"aspect this is all very well,"I sighed.

"So shut up and enjoy it, to the lowest degree wi me a doin it thee shant go blind,"she ordered.

"Oh my lord that flavor good,"I admitted as she stroked it and kissed the very end lightly.

things were happening fast, too fast,"Get the chamber pot I'm going to cum."

"Where be it ?"she asked.

"Under the hoot bed,"I swore.

"I reckon it would be nicer all round if thee came in I instead,"she lisped.

Her deal still gripped my cock but she swung around over me and with her knees each incline of me she sank down onto my cock.

"See much nicer,"she cooed,"Now thee just lie still while I fucks thee."

I was too near to my moment to be a good deal use to her and I duly exploded within her within seconds.

"By lumme you got a good spurt there master copy,"she cooed.

"Perhaps, but I thank you but I would like to get some sleep."I insisted.

"Me too,"she agreed,"But me beds all lumpy an difficult not like yourn."

"Oh my marrow bleeds."I replied sarcastically.

"So I'll kip yer with thee,"she declared.

"Oh no you won't Agghhhh !"I squealed as she twisted my shrinking cock.

"You was saying master ?"she queried.

"I said that was an excellent idea."I lied.

"That's what I thought thee said,"she agreed,"Anyroad that stuff about me being yourn daughter were bollocks."

"Fortunately,"I agreed.

"Turns out me Gran fucked your Da and I be thee sister like,"she declared.

"Oh to hell with it get some nap Maria,"I insisted.

"Good night my noble, If thee want's to sleep together just dig I in the costa or summat,"Maria suggested.

"I will,"I agreed."Goodnight. ”
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